37 Wooiti Ftr Sth 37 Hevus For Soft .31 Honoi rorfofo tVorf hit Homi for Soft iVorffc 30 Dtifc. Offlct Spao STAR and NEWS Quick-Action WANT ADS, Friday, March 22, 1963 Pl S3 27 Sabarba 24 Hoists Uifnrfsfttd24 EAST 25 Apartments, turn. bath. ME 4 (VEDDuffrQn sJT REALTORS ON OUR LOT OPEN 1 P.M. TO is: WINDSOR VILLAGE A Friendly Place With Friendly People Children and pets welcome Excellent schools No maintenance worries Bus service to downtown A rental community of modern ranch-type doubles.
1, i And bedrooms. OFFICE 6128 E. 21st ST. FL 9-9561 AVE.CL 3-2751 Two-story Georgian Colonial Home Includes four bedrooms, 12 xl6" country kitchen, prlvatt dining room, 11x14' family room plus 2002 BROAD RIPPLE 1501 E. KESSLER Immediate possession on this 3-bdrm.
brick Colonial. Walking distance to school 59, and Christ The King. Mary Shepperd, CL 3-0096. NEW OFFERING 5715 Manning Rood. Convenient to West Side business.
Spac. 3-bdrm. brick in beaut, cond. Pike Twp. ond St.
Monica schls. Priced for quick sole at $18,950. Mrs. Lapp, CL 1-9095. WOODED AREA Used brick col.
ranch at 7234 N. Tuxedo. 4 2Vi baths, de lux 22-ft. fam. rm.
frplc. John Strange and St. Pius area. Choice offering. Mrs.
Lapp, CL 1-9095. 3 ARMCHAIR HOUSE HUNTING We publish monthly our "SHOWCASE OF HOMES," which Is a brochure listing of all our homes for salt by picture, price and address, along with other pertinent details. You may have a copy of this publication at no cost to you, and without obligation, simply by calling or writing our office. Why not do your house-hunting in th comfort of your living room? CALL TODAY, CL 3-2751. N.
CENTRAL ST. PIUS Custom bit. 3-bdrm. Early Amer. rancn ln established area.
Beaut, carp-drapes, formal liv. and din. kit. full bsmt. 7900 North.
Mrs. Lapp, CL 1-9095. 7190 Meodowbrook Under $20,000 Very attractive Colonial ranch, raised hearth fireplace, 3 bedrooms, gam room, -acr lot. Nora school. Call John Howes, CL 5-7814 for details.
HILLSIDE TRI-LEV. Located 7500 North, Nora school, bedroms, 2 baths, family wooded lot. Low 20 s. John Howes, CL 5-7814. 2BB North 3 Bedrooms 1,800 SQ.
FT. S3N02u57T In excell. cond. on corner lot Full tile baths, familv rm uiti. frplc, carpet, drapes, air aas heat.
A real buy at $25,900. Glenn Barr, CL 1-2251 days; CL 5-8991 ves! Beaut, forest T-R-E-E-S surround this 1,760 sq. ft. brick, ronch in Delaware Trails. Family rm.
with frplc. Very attrac. dec. Drastlrniii. reduced, $25,750.
Henry Sikes. CL 1-2251 days; LI 7-3275 eves. EXTRAS $26,900 American Colonial brick loaded with extras. Family rm. with frnlc.
din. 2' baths, gas heat, dishwasher, desposal. 3 Bdrms. and office or 4 bdrms. Exceptional vol.
ue. Owner purchased annthrr nut state. Just RE-D-U-C-E-D. John Siebert, VI 6-8587. BEST BUY NORTHWEST This is true! Just listed this lm-mac.
brick ranch. Extra din. rm. plus eating spac in full B-A-S-E-M-E-N-T wilh paneled recr. frplc, fenced HtAK yard.
Large ossumabi loan. $18,900. Doris Kendrirk. l. 2251 days; Tl 9-1490.
eves. VEON McCORD, REALTORS 5800 NORTH Two story brick in Immaculat Heart. Den, 2 full, 2 half baths. Air cond. Verv roomy home.
Vacant soon. Walter Brock CL 1-6772. 6025 N. EMERSON Stone ranch with 3 or 4 bdrms. 2V7 baths.
Extra bia rms. Under $30,000. Margaret Evons. CL 1-3464. NEW LISTING 6590 E.
46th St. Stone and tram in perfect cond. Huge closets. Air cond. Jack Gheen, CL 3-0307.
7087 WASHINGTON BLVD. Contemporary bi-level In Wash. twsp. with city utils. Lower level 4th bdrm.
bath and rec rm. Mary Derra, CL 5-5547. 9229 ROBIN LANE In Sherwood Forest. Ston ond brick ranch with extra Ige. rm.
Frplc. Scr. prch. Mac McDermott, CL 3-0097. NEW LISTING 5861 Hillside "Like new" 1 fl.
brick home near Chris! the King. Delux game rm. in bsmt. Cecil Bates, CL 1-7193. MARGARET EVANS CO.
CL 1-2284 4173 GUILFORD 2 Story Frame Home, loc. Sen. 64 -Joan of Arc Area. 3 IVi baths, full 2-car oil heat. Excellent shape.
Appraised $15,500. Priced at $13,500. CALL ME PERSONALLY, CHAD HALL, CL 1-9884. BEAUTIFUL FAIRFIELD Like new 3 bedrm. brick ranch.
Carpeted liv. hall and IVi baths, fam. 2-car att. aar. Low cost aas heat.
Lot 142x150, trees. 1 Block from J. Stranae Sch. You'll love this one. COME SEE! Chad Hall, CL 1-9884.
AMERICAN ESTATES CO. CL 1-9402 LEAVING TOWN 522,900 Modern brick and stone ranch, 4 yrs. old. 3 dry finished basem*nt, VA baths, 2-car attached Vi Acre nicely landscaped lot. Woshinaton township schools.
Call CL 3-2927. 5061 E. 66th St. 5300 NORTHEAST Close In sub. good transp.
Brick 3 Wi tile baths with vanity. Carpeted liv. rm. w-flrepl. Nicely arranged din.
kitch. and bkfst. full dry bsmt. Completely finished with office, fenced yard. 2-Car gar.
Asking $23,500. Mike Kinney, Tl 9-1314 eves. JOHN SANDERS CO. CL 11409 IN DELAWARE TRAILS NORTH 1207 Timberlane Open 2 to 6 Sot. and Sun.
$23,000. Beaut. Colonial brick ranch, center hall, 3 la. VA baths, Ig. closets, fam.
2-car attach, gar. paved drive. To settle estate. BY OWNER DEVON HILLS Vt stone, Ig. carpeted liv.
2 fam. Ig. full Ig. rec attach. 2-c.
gar. LI 7-6620J TRADE WHAT HAVE YOU 9600 North. 3-Bedroom brick and tram ranch. 2 Baths, att. 2-car gar.
Corner lot. CL 5-6681 LI 7-7395 HAYNES-KLEINER, REALTORS NO DOWN PAYMENT ranch homes wilh payments as low as $59 monthly plus taxes and ins. You do the interior paint-inq with our paint and plant our shrubs. Me'vin Brown, AX 1-7353. DESPERATE! Sacrifice! Urgently need offerl Loveyl N.E.
Beaut, nice neighborhood. Assume loan. Na red tape, your offer will probably buy. LI 7-8270. NORTHWEST MANOR OPEN HOUSE SAT.
AND SUN. 6548 Blossom Lane Off Conarro Rd, Between 79th St. and Rd. 100. Just W.
of Zionsville Rd. AX 1-7040 ALL SOLD OUT Need 3 and 4 Northwest. PAUL ARMSTRONG Realtor 30th and Kessler Blvd. WA 4-5617 PIKE RANCH 3 VA baths, huge 2-car att. gar.
Assume Ige. loon. CL 1-9284 MARSH CO. REALTORS WORK NOW-PLAY LATER Work out dn. pymt.
for early summer delivery. 3-Bdrm. brick con-ventionally built. ST 4-1 898j OWNER will sell 3 din. rm.
V2-storv Colonial in Forest Monor Add. Cor. lot, 2-car attach, aar. jiLA ndrew ond S. 71.
LI 7 7465. IMMED. possession. 3 Or 4 bedrms. Northern Estates, Delo.
Trails. PAUL B. WHITE CL 3-3481 bwNER-Deaf 91. 2-C. gar7 19' Liv.
rm. $400 Dn. CL 5 6843 3BB North 2 Bedrooms 3601 N. OXFORD 2-3 Bd. stone, pool, patio, bsmt.
$600 dn. FHA. Owner. Tl 9-2091. ONLY $35 down-2017 W.
Riveria. stone front, LI 6-8181. Beau. 3-bdrm. moaern, Vj acre.
Vacant. Open. 3209 N. SHARON-ST. MICHAELS Neat 6-rm.
brick, trpic, carpet, Med gar. $700 dn. JOHN BUNCH Rltrs. CH 4-3301 818 E. 17TH.
bath. $65 Dn. $65 Mo. Vacant. WA 3-1421, WA 4-0277.
1011 E. 21 ST $100 DOWN 6 Rms. and bath. Bal. $60 mo.
WA 5-1163 ME 2-7027 ME 8-4064 E. I3D J300 DN. CONTRACT Ige. liv. din.
rm. and kit. Oil heot, and 1-c. gar. Call Bill Grist, LI 7-5491, Res.
WA 5-8787. R. V. WELCH ASSOCIATES, INC. 236 W.
35TH. 4 firepl. In liv. rm, full bsmt. MYERS REAL ESTATE WA 5-2722 5620 E.
41ST. OPEN. VACANT. BARGAIN IF YOU DECORATE Big 3-bdrm. ranch; Vi bath, att.
Ig. lot, all appliances GEO. MARCELUK Rltr. LI 7-1182 2200 BLK. E.
58th St. 3-Bdrm. brick with full bsmt. Beautifully redec. Like new inside.
Needs trim painted outside. 3 Blks. to public ond parochial schools. FHA. 30-Yr.
MORTGAGE. WA J-68V2. 45TH AND RD. 421 area. Sparkling clean Ig.
liv. din. big kitch. with eating area, tile bath, gas heat, 2-car gar. Tre mendous lot.
Try $500 dn. FHA. CL 5-6681, CL 1-6202. HAYNES-KLEINER, REALTORS 5502 E. 81 ST.
Wash. Twp. Brick Cap Cod. 4 Bdrms. or 3 and paneled office; 2 full baths, 36-ft.
fam. rm. Owner. Tl 9-0575. 10S5 E.
84TH ST. In Nora. Lg. corner lot. Under $16,000.
Tile bath, oil clean. CL 1-2720, CL 1-1506. GLENDALE (B9) New price on this charming brick and frame ranch located on lae. lot with trees. Lge.
liv. rm. wfrplc, Ige. din. paneled fam.
Vh baths, 8 closets plus attic storaae, 2-car att. gar. Owner trons. 'Tom Osborne, Tl 9-1705, CL 5-5458. 4303 LESLEY (B36) Come see this Red Brick Ranch in an area of proud home owners.
3 I'j baths, roofed patio, carpets, 2-car ga-raae. Priced In Mid Teens. F. R. Jones, CL 1-0987, CL 5-5458.
A.H. M. GRAVES, REALTORS ARLINGTON HIGH Devington shopping. Spac brk. ranch, Ige.
ample brkfst. area, paneled fam. att. fed. patio.
All for $15,500. STEP-DOWN FAMILY ROOM Living centers around the charm of the raised hearth fireplace and rotisserie. 2 Baths, equipped kitchen. House in perfect order. As sume Ige.
loan. 8906 Mclivcin Dr Zano Bernd, CL 5-8985. JERRY TARSHES, Rltrs. WA 3-5496 JOHN STRANGE Brk. ranch-Exc.
loc. Sep. din. room, Ig 2-c. att.
gar, (P13) Janet Lee, CL 5-1726. NEW OFFERING Atmosphere plus! Center sail, sunken liv. room wpan. frpl. wall, din.
room, 2 baths, frpl. in rec. room plus play room. Like New! (J3) Tom Perkins, CL 3-7083. CARRIAGE ESTATES CL 1-9586 NEW BRICK RANCH 5837 E.
81st St. Ivy Hills 3 bdrms. 2 baths. Large fom. rm.
We have others starting $23,500. Jack Ander son, CL 1-0902. JAMES E. MURPHY CO. Tl 9-3010 GLENDALE AREA Like New Bungalow 2203 E.
67th. 3 hdwd. oil lqe. lot $750 gets deed. Bal.
4Vi mtg. Pymts. P. ond I. $60.04 mo.
Price $9300 far below oooroisal. Vacant. CL 1-3396, CL 5-1229. SCHOOL 41 AREA 2-Story 6-rm, frome. La.
encl. front and rear porches, storm windows and screens, gas neat, gas wtr. fenced yard. Under $8000. CL 5-6681, LI 7-7395.
HAYNES-KLEINER, REALTORS WHERE ELSE? Roomy ranch en try hall, twin size Ig. liv ing marble frplc, pan. fom rm. Wooded lot. FHA appr.
$18,550. $850 Dn. See it todoy. CL 1-6202, CL 5-6681 HAYNES-KLEINER, REALTORS TAXES TOO HIGH? Move to Horn- llton Co. Stone ranch.
Carpets, drapes, redec. 2-C. concr. ar. cor.
ioi, snaae trees. Bus stop. Orig. owner must move. Make offer.
VI 6-2129. NEW LISTING WASH. TWP. Lovely 3-br. all brick ranch.
In Fall Creek Highlonds. l'j Baths, oeaut. cods, in att. 2-c. aar Lg.
Indscp. lot. Dot Culver, CL 1-9087 K. L. bmiin LO.
t-L 6-2417, FL 7-3008 PRICE Reduced 813S N. Richardt Excel, brk l'j baths, fam rm off 2-car gar. $19,900 Must see this week. JAMES ROUTT Rltr. CL 3-3005 OPEN P.M..
SAT SUN Charming stone ranch near Nora. ey owner only, IV2 boths, 2-car garage. Good schools. Tl 3671. NORTHEAST Very clean 6-room frame bung.
Patio, corner lot. tXCei. tin. LL 1-6202, CL 5-6681. HAYNES-KLEINER, REALTORS MODEL HOME, $15,900 on your lot, 1625 iq.
tt. ot living area. Vi-Mi west of Rd. 31 and Slop 11. LI 5-4770 Pedigo Young TU 1-5543 DANDY BUY IN BROAD RIPPLE 1 j-oearm.
Brick ranch. Lae fam. kitch. 2-Car gar. Quiet neigh UUH1UUU.
1JU UOWII. 1.1. OfFlCE mi A.AlUlU NEW MODERN BUILDING 350 '19 3.600 sq. ft. Partition to suit need.
Completely air-conditioned. All utilities, janitor service. Ample off-street parking; at low rate of $3.50 per sq. ft. COMPARE.
up. Elevator, lonltor, ofc. ME 2-7507 eves. WA 6 3185 22 Wanted to Rent WANTED To rent or sub rent furnished house or apt. At least two bedrooms.
From 1st to 20th of June, or 6th to the 20th. Good references furnished. Write to John T. Cowan, Aptdo. Aereo No.
636, Medellin, Colombia, S.A. Excellent care of property guaranteed. TRANSFERRED to City-Executivt and 4 children wont 4-bdrm. or large 3-bdrm. North or Northeast location.
ME 4-5402. EAGLEDALE or Speedway area. Responsible family ot 4 need 3-bdrm. mod. home w-fam.
rm. and dble. gar. WA 5-2160. Ask for mgr.
TENANTS WAITING LANDLORDS NO CHARGE Also Property Management Brown WA 5-9227, eves. FL 9-6265 COLORED lady dietitian wants unfurn. 3-rm. apt. north neor Butler bus line.
Prefer aot. bldg. Can furnish ref. WA 5-0384, CL 1-4619. DESIRE nicely furn.
4-rm. apt. or dbl. in nice neighborhood. CL 5-7943 NEED Broad 1955.
3-bdrm. unfurn. home, Ripple-Glendale area. AT 3- WANT SMALL farm with house nr. Indpis.
ME 7-8737. mod. ASSIST. Mgr. and family desires 2-bdr.
dbl. or single E. ME 8-9157. 35BusinessOpporf unities Sell Or Trade Antique shop, estb. business.
Good loc. ME 6-8855. BEAUTY salon of distinction. Also one in shopping center. WA 4-2063.
BOOTH SPACE for N. side Beauty Salon for rent. Mr. Van ME 5-2391. CLEANING PLANT AND STORE Good northside location, established clientele, equipment well maintained.
The lot, building, equipment, business, everything Included in price ot Or will sell business and equipment for $5000 and lease bldg. to purchaser. Call Harry Knight, VI 6-5833, or res. AT 3-3310. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET In Mulberry, Indiana.
Requires $12,000.00 to $15,000. Terms or lease could be arronged. Call Jefferson 630 or Mulberry 296-2366 for an appointment. GROCERY. Beer-wine.
$1300 Wkly. A-l equip. $2000 plus stock. ST 6-8406 GROCERY EAST 6-0185 ME 6-7197 ME HARDWARE S.W. Fixtures, inventory.
Reas. FL 7-3309 oft. 7 p.m. SOFT ICE CREAM truck for sale. Used only 5 mos.
Compl. equipped. Write or call Leo Hellmich, R.R. 6, Greensbura, Ind. Phone 663-5687.
1960 NON FRANCHISE ice cream truck. 56500 or will trade for house or anything of value. ME 6-9891. G-E. coin laundries.
Coin dry cleaning. CL 1-5873. 6403 Green Leaves Rd. Launderers of Ind. Inc.
COIN laundries. Norge and Laun- deroma washers. 10 Dn. 6 Int. A.
B. Burnham, Harrodsburg, Ind. COIN Operated laundry in Anderson. FULL PRICE $5500. By Owner.
Ters. Phone VI 6-1068. COIN LAUNDRY COMP. $5500 2066 N. SENATE LI 6-8895 EXCEPTIONAL coin Idry.
and dry cinq. Must sell. Foraoot. CL 3-2992. REGAL MARKET.
S.E. good equip. Low rent. Yeorly business $60,000. Selling for other interests.
Price $4800 complete. Terms. ME 1-1231, ME 7-4038. MOTEL-Restaurant With Catering Service near large industrial city. Plot to build large motel.
BUSINESS Brokers me. 2915 w.i6thM 9 4-224 INTERESTED IN A MOTEL? See od each Sunday Class 35. PHILLIP MILLER, Anderson, Ind. NURSING HOME FRANK BUCHANAN WA 5-1915 PIZZA carry-out. Broad Ripplt Hut for sale.
Real opportunity. Box 1003, Star and News RESTAURANT. Same owner 20 years. Reason for selling ill health and old age. Any reasonable offer accepted.
Phone FL 7-0771. Ask tor owner. CAKE ROUTE wholesale estob. small invest, req. VI 6-5020.
WELL EQUIPPED shoe repair shop. Box 1874, star and News. TAVERN Near RCA. Seats 150. Dance nook.
3-Way. $3500 dn. Can do $3000 wkly. $6,350. FL 6-7252.
TAVERN, WEST-ST 7-2243 TAVERN license and fixtures ME 6-9260. RESTAURANT, east. Retiring. A-l loc, liv. quarters.
FL 6-0525. TAKE THE CEILING OFF YOUR INCOME: BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Thdt's the opportunity you have as an independent sub-distributor of automotive products in Marion Coun'y. No previous automotive experience i.ecessary, but vou must meet tough personal qualifications. Investment required: $3,000. You will receive complete training by qualified factory representative, and nave tne backing ot a continuing national merchandising and advertising program.
USER AGENTS to demonstrate new concept in electric power, 110 volts, 30 amps from your car's fan belt. Ooerales power tools, pumps, lights, furnace, freezer etc. Proven product, factory guaranteed, $180 in vestment tuny secured oy mercnan-dise. Need farmers, sportsmen, carpenters, handymen to demonstrate. fcarn aooa money wim sideline, get yours at cost.
Amaze your trienas, iiu-al voltmeter ana controls on dash. Write Mr. Watson, Porta-Power Brookston, Ind. MAKE MORE MONEY WE ARE LOOKING FOR A MAN who is not satisfied earning less than $25,000 per yr. If you qualify we hove a business that for a $3000 investmenl can produce big earnings for life.
We think you will like the facts. Get Write including phone number to Box 1782, Stor ond News WANTED: Distributor contractor tor thermo plastic highway and parking lot striping materials plus complete line of highway traffic aids. If you or your company can qualify we will give exclusive rights to lucrative territory. Initial Investment $5000 or less. Write Perma-Llne Corp.
of Ind. 6653 Vdn Buren Hammond, Ind. AUTOMOTIVE parts stor with complete machine shop. Wholesale and retalh Excellent location on south side of Indianapolis with good follwlng. Moderately priced.
Excellent opportunity for one wanting to get Into this business. Box 530, Star and News. GOING CONCERN Mfg. roof ventilators ond fans. Orders, inquiries on hand.
Good parking. Owner retirinq. Terms. $20,000 Will swinq It. 520 S.
New Jersey, ME 2-1459 10:30 till 4, or CL 5-3541. DEALERS to sell and distribute household cleaning products to homes in Indpis. or odioining cities, full or part time. Box 1882, Star and News. NEED PARTNERS OR INVESTOR $15,000 each.
Open, resort 115-ocr vacation land. Mile lak front. Exc. fishing. Mod.
Cabins. WA 5- jei. PARTNER WANTED. New franchis ing ousiness. wonderful opport.
come in 5 figures. Give phone number for appt. Box 1791, Star ana news. PROTECTED franchise for establishment of portable toilet rentnl service business to controcors. Requires $25,000 net worth, $8000 cash.
Write Box 529, Stor ond News HAVE SEVERAL Items to s-ij which are patentable. Are you Interested in mokinn money rnd own. jnq same? Box 1790, Slor and News. INVESTOR on notioholknownfast selling hobby ond art product. Need partner, $25,000 FL 6-7252.
DELLA PENNA No Listing Fee. WANT TO buy profitable business reasonable Investment. No dealers. Box 1000. Stor ond News.
INQUIRE about a "Mister Soft" franchise. 26 W. 27th St. WA 3-1441 Ind. mil re Houses Uflfumfthed EAST WEST RHODIUS PARK Shepherd, 1-bdrm.
$75 823 no. New auto gas furn. CL 5-5458. iMILBURN ST. stove heat.
$60 Mo. J. VIEHMANN CO. ME 8-2501 N. Troub.
3-Rms. Vi dbl. wtr. pd. $35.
2709 N. 4 sal. $50. Both semi-mod. WA 6-9094.
25 Apartments, Furn. 1304 H. ALA. ALMER APIS. Newly dec.
eff. or 1-bdrm. opt. Nicely furn. Reas.
rote. ME 5-2208 1935 N. ALABAMA. 3 Rms. 1st Pvt.
bath. Nicely turn. Bsmt. WA 3-7637 oft. 3, weekends.
1014 N. ALA. 4 Rms. and both, priv. Good heat.
Well managed bldg. 815. 2102 N. ALA. 1, 2 and 1 pvt.
ent. and boih. $1 5 up. WA 3-7909. 2310 N.
ALABAMA 3 bath. Exch, rent tor child care. WA 4-3670. N. ALABAMA, 3 priv bath.
$15 week. FL 9-9892. 2140 N. ALA. priv.
bath, ent. Clean, quiet. Parking. Adults. 225 N.
ARSENAL. Lower fronfefc Priv. both $54. Adults. AT 3-8835.
405 N. BRADLEY-2 pri. near bus and stores. FL 9-0318. 1567 BROADWAY, 3 rms.
and both. $15. Good heat. Well man-agedbidq. 1547 N.
BROADWAY, 1-rm. 3- rm. cm. urns. ME 6-9143 1404 BRAODWAY.
Brick priv. bath. 1st fir. bldg. 1614 bath.
BROADWAY, 4 priv Children welc. Also eff. opt. 3445 BROADWAY 3-rm. Priv.
oam, adults 515. VA 3-4919, 3701 BROOKSIDE Pkwy. S. Dr. 3 clean.
Utils. ME 9143. 1304 CENTRAL 2 RMS. Clean, nuiet, utils. pd.
Adults. I960 CENTRAL. 3 Rms. 2d fir front, util. furn.
Child welc. $12.50. Apply opt. 7-425 E. 20th.
1854 CENTRAL-3 Rms. and bath, utils. turn. Adults. $75 Mo.
WA 5-1163 ME 8-4066 ME 2-7027 2101'i CENTRAL-3 brick apt. utils. TV, priv. bath, redec. $18.
FL 7-5796, WA 6-3803 1412 CENTRAL. 4-Rm. Just painted. Nice bldg. Parking.
$55. WA 3-4666. 1714 CENTRAL. priv. ent.
Utils. $12 wk. CL 1-8233. 3836 bldg. CENTRAL-Nice apt.
in apt. Adults. CL 1-8719, AT 3-3885. 2838 CENTRAL-4 priv. bath, clean.
Apt, bldg. $20. WA 54051. CENTRAL, priv. 408 bath E.
24th. 3-Rm. ent. WA 5-6392. 2402 CENTRAL.
2-Rm. apt. Priv. both, entr. Small child, welc.
$15. 1217 COLLEGE, 2, 3. 4-RM. CLEAN Good heot, Idry. priv.
3301 bath. N. COLLEGE-3 Utils. furn. CH 1-0410.
priv. 3437 COLLEGE and 42nd. Attr. Bach. 1 man.
Prkng. WA 6-3095. 2745 COLLEGE, Studio effic. 3 rm. down, bath ent.
WA 5-0941 1204 N. DEARBORN. Clean 2 and 3 util. furn. mp.
couples. 2441 N. DELA. 2 Nice efficsT Pri. bath-kitchen.
1 Or 2 adults. WA 4-0762. 3130 N. bd. very cln.
Tile bath, pan. prkg. 1 Or. 2 emp. girls.
Ref. WA 6-6496. 2253 bath. N. DEL.
2-Rm. offic. Pvt. $15. FL 9-1255, A 6-3691.
1831 CROSS Place. or 2 rms. ME 7-3274. 725 N. DELA.
2 ond 3 $12.50 to $18. Children welc. ME 4-7644. 1911 N. DELAWARE-EffiC.
for 1. Nicely dec, good trans. 813. 1610 N. kit.
W.W. DELA. carpet. effic, tiled 19 S. DENNY 3 priv.
1st fl. Stove, empl. adults. ST 6-1722. 1019 ENGLISH.
ME 2-2806. 3 rooms, priv. bath. 43 W. FALL CRK.
S. Dr. 6 utils. pd. $28 wk.
CL 1-5773. 3824 FARNSWORTH 4-rm. mod. $20 Wk. CH 1-6809.
apt. 746 cln. FLETCHER, 2 kitnet, furn. ST 4-4322. 3011 N.
GLADSTONE, 4 rms. ly dec, util. furn. ME 5-4689. 811 N.
GRANT. drinking. Couple. 3 Rm. apt.
FL 6-5001. No 1035 N. JEFFERSON. Studio apt. 2 bath, kit.
4-Apt. bldg. 2 Ents. N. LINWOOD.
Clean and at tractive 3 rms. and kitchenette. Private bath, entrance. Adults only. 647Vj And 3-rm.
opts. St. heat, 810 up. Child welc. Apt.
5 2353 N. MERIDIAN. 2-Rm. bath. Conven.
$60. Utils. Dd. WA 3- 4666. N.
MERIDIAN, 3700 bus stop, utils. Parkg. 3-5 Rm. 2 odults. Also unfurn.
CL 1-0141. 2617 E. MICH. 3 Lg. hall, 5 closets.
Priv. bath, entr. FL 7-4184. 2232 E. MICH.
2 or 3 rms. Pri. both, util. Clean. 1 crib infant.
2436 N. NEW JERSEY. Evons Apts. Liv. dinette, bath.
Adults. 2314 N. NEW JERSEY sieeper, pvt. bath. AM util.
pd. CH 12122. 2345 N. NEW JERSEY. 2 $17.50.
Utils. Adults. WA 3-2232 1123 N. NEW JERSEY. 4-Rm.
redec. priv. $16.50. WA 3-5782, ME 2-9100. 2203 E.
NEW YORK, 3-rm. front porch. Newly dec, utils. furn. $23.
See this for beauty and comfort. Yng. emp. married cpl. ME 2-2B68.
3319 E. NEW YORK, near RCA. Newly dec. 3 rms. and bath, partly olso heat, water, gar.
Only $69.50 mo. FL 7-6462, ME 8-5656. 1326 E. OHIO, bdrm. All utils.
Upper duplex, wk. ME 2-6981. 1106 E. OHIO, both, gd. 3 and 4 rms.
Priv. child. ME 1-1185 3821 OLIVER. 2-Rm. mod.
ent. Utils. Sgle. man. CH 1-4434.
Priv. 350 ORANGE. 2 util. pd. Adults only.
pvt. ME 1-7840 1432 N. PARK-1-2 Bedrooms. Beau tifully furnished apartment. Newlv decorated.
Private both. See Manager Apt. 2, or call AT 3-8111. 2407 N. PARK.
5-Rm. Utils. Nr. Sch. Children wel.
Lg. yd WA 4 3632 1647 N. PARK. 4 priv. bath.
Heot ond util. pd. AT 3-4508. 1421 N. PARK.
1 Rm. turn. $12. ME 6-9143. kitnet, utils.
2308-2316 N. PARK-Nicely furn. 3- rm. opts. 816-520 week.
WA 6-4623. 821 N. NO. 5 $6L50 Lovely, effic, all ut. newly dec, all new carpeted.
ME 7-1428. 1901 N. PENN. Cln. 1-rm.
eff. Emp. girl. 812.50. WA 6-3975, CL 5-6282.
2170 N. PENN. 3 bath, Gd.ht. Well managed bldg. $14.
720 RUSSELL. 2-Rm. priv. both, ent. tils, furn.
ME 5-1281. 2207 SHELBY. Clean, nicely furn. Gd; 1849Vi SHELBY. furn.
ST 2180 oft. 6 p.m. ST 4-5624. "2411 SOUTH AST ERN-3 prlV util. S90.AdultsME 4-2987.
2161 STATION. 2 And 3 rms. Utils. Jfeot, priv. childLI7-1720.
2815 SUTHERLAND, eff. Priv. bath, a 1 1 ut i Is. A I so I eep rm.W A 2007 N. TALBOT-Desirable 3 rmsT bath.
Adults. WA 54664. 2024 furn. N. TALBOT.
3-Rm. up. priv. bath. WA 5-6392.
Nice 933 TEMPLE-Lge. effic. Newly dec. Priv. bath, good transp.
ME 1-2055. 835 UNION. 3 Rmt. come. ME 7-8153.
Children wel- 784 VIRGINIA Apts. 1 And 2-rm. efficiencies. 3030 E. WASH.
2 pri. bathT ent. All util. pd. Shown by oppt.
only FL 9-7820. 2961 WASH. Blvd. 1-Rm. effic, pri.
K)th, utils. Dd. Emp. adult. Mn 6-1 vv 5020 E.
WASH. 1-Rm eff. ent, Empl. lodyFL 9-3617. 2937 Rellned emp.
lady. WA 3 8373. Priv. kitnt. 24 WOODLAND DR.
3 Rm. apt. Pnv. both, ent. Adults.
$75. FL 7- 2302, ST 6-6605. 154 S. 1st Beech Gr. De Luxt mis both.
ml pd. ST 7-2740. BRESLIN APTS. 224 E. ST.
Bdrm. furn. Adults. reconditioned, nicely Inq. 218 E.
9th St. OR YOURS 7 P.M. DAILY ME 6-2491 16) and SW1 E. 16TH ST. We Build On Your Lot in 40-Mile Radius 4 BEAUTIFUL MODELS Ot 4950 N.
CH 4-4195 AX 1-2293 38 Houses tor Sale North 600 E. 31st St. Bdrms. Possible 3rd Contract-Make Offer. AT 3-1616 Eves.
AT 3-1364 $100 DOWN-TOTAL $5000 $15 Wk. pays principal, interest, taxes, Ins. AT 3-4483, CL 1-0039. IF I were looking for home I'd Bet help from H. Duff Vllm Mort-goqe Company, Inc.
ME 6-5515. READY NOW AT GREENBRIAR Model homes. Close-out. Savings. drapes Incl.
CL 5-3111. 384 North I 2 Bedrooms 6300 ALLISONVILLE Rd. 2-Bedrm. de luxe ranch, $23,500. Spacious rooms.
CL 1-2864, AT 3-2310. 3742 CAROLINE, 2-Bdrm. mod. I C. gar.
Fenced. dn. $100 Mo. WA 3-1421, WA 6-0277. 3720 FOREST MANOR, 5-rm.
brk. Fully carpeted; gas heat, $21,500. Open doily 2 to 5. LI 7-0807. 3021 N.
GALE Extra lot ond 2-story 2-bedrm. home, hdw. gas heat, all city utils. Nr. transp.
Mo. pymts. approx. $70 If lot is not included. ST 6-7275.
Eves. ST 4-6493. SOUTHSIDE REALTY 3650 N. GRACELAND $6700. $64.50 Mo.
$275 Dn. 4 Rms. Modem both. Nice kitchen, oil fur nace, fenced vard, oarooe. txcep- tionally clean.
Well cared for. LASALLfc KfcALIT LI -JC3 6236 E. LENNINGTON. $-Rm. masonry.
2 fam. rm. Corner lot. 100x200. Sell on contract.
TY LAWYER. CL 1-4619, WA 5-0384 "3937 MILLERSVILLE DRIVE, 2-bdrm. frame, util. oil heat, oil heot. Price $9000.
Assume 5 FHA loan. Mr. DeWitt, LI 7-1247. SCHILLING REALTY FL 9 5561 3302 NICHOLAS excell. bsmt.
All utils VI 6-5864. MILLARD E. WRIGHT CO. 2970 N. OLNEY.
Vac. stone, contr. Mtg. Owner. UL 6-4745.
1T4A ftl nYEAQD Open house Sunday. See ad Sect. 39-A BPO'KER K. VANAGS WA 6-9636 3707 N. TACOMA.
Must sell. 5 Rm. $10,500. Frplc, auto, gar. Lae.
fenced yd. FL 7-2350. NORTHEAST Well maintained brick ranch in set ting of fine trees and landscaping. Two larae 2Vj baths, family large encl. porch, 2'jar garage, aas hot water heat.
(78) Bob Cooper, CL 5-4832. 730A STRAIGHT NORTH Warm, comfortable ond charming perfect little house with 2 convertible den, 2 baths, sep. dining rm. Every modern convience. Lovely neighborhood.
$38,500. (239) Jane Steadman, CL 1-2840. BRUCE SAVAGE CO. REALTORS 804 BROAD RIPPLE AVE. CL 1-1491 DELIGHTFUL Small ranch complete in every de tail.
Redecorated inside and out. Screened porch, full ceramic bath, bia bedrms. Many extras. Loads of comfort. 1 Block from J.
Strange School. Chad Hall, CL 1-9884 FOREST HILLS Drive by 5740 Winthroo Most Charming. The inside will not dis appoint you either. Beamed ceilinq liv. encl.
por. in rear, full bsmt. Assume larqe loon. Edw. Gal laoher.
WA 4-43P4 AMERICAN ESTATES CO. CL 1 -9402 3000 BLOCK N. TEMPLE 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Full oil heat, nice kitchen and bath. Total price $7000, ith $250 down for deed and $63 per mo. (includes everything).
Anyone. Soaon, LI 6-3613. FORD WOODS CO. ME 2-7528 OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. 1759 W.
57th. Vacant. Immac. red wood ana stone Perfect condition thruout. Bsmt.
2-car aarape. Beaut. landsc. Will show any time. Low dn.
pvmt. FHA. CL 1-7406. LET'S TRADE. 5-rm.
brick veneer. Full 2-car excel, loc. for shopping, etc. Under $12,000. CL 5-6681, LI 7-7395.
HAYNES-KLEINER, REALTORS VACANT. ONLY $99 $49 MO. 5 full bath, oil space heat; close to school and transp. First Holding FL 9-1961, ME 4-6446. HOME AND INC.
2-Bdrm. frame olum. siding; apt. ln full N. of Fairgrounds, $12,750.
CL 5-6681, LI 7-7395. HAYNES-KLEINER, REALTORS 2-STORY stucco. Liv. fireplace, 2 carpeting, full nil heat. Sale by trans, owner.
Best North side loc. CL 1-6350 for details ond opot. ALL-BRICK bung. Din. frplc, nice lot.
3456 Carrollton. LI 5-1411. BRICK VENEER. bath, modern. Auto.
heot. Reas. CL 1-0364 RIVERSIDE. Din. area, full new dec.
$300 dn. WA 3-8652. 388 North 3 Bedoorms 3033 N. AOAMS-NO CLOSING Costs Low dn. toke over FHA loan $77 mo.
gos 1V4-C gar. OLGA KRAUSE, RLTR. WA 6-1354 Al I ICAUUII I Dn nn tftt nuuinr aiuiic mi-icsi Carpeted liv. rm. with frplc, fom.
laundry rm. Lower level rec. Dar wim rrpic. una kitch. low 30 s.
CL 1-5492. 7754 N. AUDUBON In Ivy Hills, 3-bdrm. brick French 2'j baths, util. gas heat, att.
2-car gar. Price $28,000. Mr. De-Witt, LI 7-1247. SCHILLING REALTY FL 9 5561 HOT BUY 4079 Bettcher-Cor.
lot. rec. 500. Only $150 down. Hurry.
Henry Rlty. TU ST 7-5712 1049 BRISTOL ROAD Stone ond frame 'L' ranch on winding street in College Meadows. Fam. rm. wstone l'j baths, att.
gar. Really priced right. Kay King, FL 6-5339. SCHMADEKE Rltrs. FL 9 9245 2728 CANTERBURY, $16,900.
Large fam. hdwd. 2-c. gar. A-1 cond.
Patio, brk. and frame ronch. New carpet, drapes, stove. CL 3-2234. 4010 N.
CAPITOL-Lovely 3-bdrm. All de luxe features. WA 6-0137. 8453 CENTRAL-Noro area. New 3- bdrm.
brk ranch, att. nas 1'A baths. ME 4-4514, CL 1-4600. 6003 COBURN Beautiful Colonial red brick ranch. 3 kitchen-living in lovely paneled kitchen with family area.
IV, Baths-pink cer. tile, marble vanity. A real for anvone. Trades considered. G'andview School area.
LI 5 0545, CL 3-6636. 4115 CROOKED CREEK Overlook Dr. 3-Bdrm. ronch, torn. rm Vh baths, 2-c.
att. gar. Lge. lot. AT 3-8264, CL 1-2773.
3211 NO. EUCLID Only 5 yrs. old. Full gas storms, hdwd. floors, beaut, wood paneled walls, $400 dn.
ME 6-2491. BUILDERS REALTY CH 1-2909 OPEN DAILY-6607 Grafton Lon (2 Blks. east of Alllsonvlll Rd. at 65th St.) R. Weaver's 3-bdrm.
Colonial ranch, low 20s. LI 5-0545. VACANT-4315 GUILFORD 4 2 bedrooms up. lVa-Story. $4,500.
CL 5 5765, CL 1-2221. 1744 HALL PL. Low dn. pymt. Immed.
poss. ME 9-5204 LI 7-2232 LI 6-3104 7431 HOOVER ROAD White brk. Prov. on wooded lot 3 corpeting, rapes, enmp. pit.
-in lorn, rm. screen porch, lo. util. Wosh, Twp. Owner.
CL 3-33TB. 4780 KESSLERvTeW IN Excel, drainage. Spac. fom. home with lovely Interior.
Mony extras. JOHN P. GRAY JR. CL 1-9677 2714 McLEAY DR. $450 Dn.
lm med. poss. Vacant. Owner soys sell. MAX CAIN, Realtor CL 5-8695 4920 MUNSEE DR.
2-Bdrm lot. liv. VA boths, 2-car Ml gar. Out-ef-City, Rent 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOMES! LOOK WHAT YOU GET Newly decorated homes in excellent residential suburb near schools ond shopping. First floor consists of liv ing room, dimna area, kitchen with utility area.
Second floor hos 2 or 3 bedrooms, tile bathroom with tub and shower, ample closets, love ly yards. 2- Bedroom Home Only S69 3- Bedroont Home Only 579 Located in desirable North Section of Franklin. Take route 31 South from Indianapolis 19 miles, turn left ot Doq N' Suds restaurant sign, follow Crescent Homes sions. CALL DAY OR NIGHT Indianapolis 632-1461 Franklin 736-5161 CRESCENT HOMES 97 Schoolhouse Franklin Open Daily 8-8; Sun. 'til 6 ZIONSVILLE, 114th St.
N. Very nice mod. 3-bdrm. house, hdwd. oil gor.
Nice yd. Ideal loc. For rent, option to buy. UP 3- 10792 COLLEGE AVE. 2-Bdrm.
brick, double. Hdwd. cer. both, oil heat. Immed.
poss. AUMAN CO. INC. VI 6-2514 S.W. COTTAGE, garden pref.
semi-retired man or cpl. Attr. offer. Reas. Box 1863, Jitor and News.
547 N. PRATT, Greenfield. New, iust completed modern 3-bdrm. brick dplx. $85 Mo.
HO 2-2605. MORRISTOWN 3-Bedrm. dbl. All elect. Inq.
R.R. 1, Fountaintown, I mi. north of Rd. 52 on Rd. 9.
DANVILLE Brick bungalow apt, bath, picture hw. firs. Utils. pd. 875.
Ph. 4-SH 5-21 M. PLAINFIELD PATIO APTS. unf. Stove, refrig.
Adults. TE 9-3249. l'l baths, Ig. patio, fed. yd.
Cons, rent or buy. TU 1-0118. GREENWOOD. 3-Bdrm. hdwd.
corpori. 8110 Mo. TU 1-0516. 3 BATH. Heat, utils.
paid. Stove, refrig. furn. CH 1-3002. 1109 W.
TROY. bath, gar- den, $60. 1107, 4-rm. 850. ME 5-7739.
3-RM. Vi dbl. in Castleton, 8232 N. Bash. $60 Mo.
Tl 9-3007. MOORESVILLE. Bedford stone 3-bd. 11 Dunn Dr. Refs.
CH 4-4979. 5-RM. MOD. 7 Mi. S.W.
Oil furnace, gardenspaceJUL 6-44631 4 bath, laundry yard. AX 3-0951 any time. LOVELY farm home, Vi acre, close i n. Rd 421 nr. Raymond, FL 7-6385.
CARMEL 2-bdrm. stove, garage. CL 5-7444. refrig. SOUTHPORT APT.
BLDG. Furn. 2 tile both. ST 4-5034. 28 Business Places for Rent IDEAL BUSINESS LOC.
On Southside. Loc. on 3-way Intersections. 612 Virginia Ave. All plale glass frontage.
Rear parking space for 4 cors. All new liahting system. 2640 Sq. ft floor space or more. Rent reas.
-or lease. ME 7-5429, Joe Steele. STOREROOMS, 2045 W. Wash. 15X 85 ft.
Full bsmt. Wood floor. Heat, water, rest room, wosh basin. Will remodel. 2039 W.
Wash. 15x85. Concrete floor, heot, water, rest room, wash bashi. Will remodel. See George Andriokos, 203S W.
Wash. 4000 SQ. FT. avail, for light manufacturing at 126 Main Beech Grove Power wired, concrete floors. $250 Mo.
Call Mr. Ellis, ST 7-5305. MODERN OFFICE, ground floor. 206 N. Oela.
Now occupied by W. H. Abel Insurance Real Est. Aqcy. Super paneled walls.
Furniture if desired. Have to ee to appreciate. ME 5-2371, FL 6-3809. 1712 N. MERIDIAN Large apt.
can be utilized for offices. Util. furn. R. D.
DUSHMAN REALTY LI 6-1742. WA 6-5285 WILL BUILD and lease commercial, office, warehse. or mfg. bldg. Any place in Marlon Co.
Immed. action. Rollin H. Stewart Co. ME 4-8585.
Or AT 3-4467. a.m. or eves. NEW Storeroom, size 30x40. In Greenwood, suit, for bakery, serv.
shop, office etc. Avail soon. Very reas. rent. Loc.
in shop. area. Box 1802, Star and News. PACKAGE LIQUOR STORE Drive In loc. Exc.
spot for a high volume loc. North estimated bus. Yr. Reas. leas, rental.
WA 3-8171. 1432-34 BROAD RIPPLE AVE. Adjoins park near Glendale. Commercial bdg. No.
1 loc. for est. busi-ness. 900 Sq. ftCL 5-6093, VI 6-1623.
TWIN AIRE SHOPPING CENT. 800 Sq. Ft. Avail. ME 1-9027 RENT OR LEASE Grocery Store, 210-unit trailer pk.
fcxe. oppor. protected customers. 1102 S. Franklin Rd.
FL 6-4275. NOW LEASING Medical and dental office space. Ultra-mod. Devington Medical bldg. 4600 N.
Arlington LI 7-9581 866 INDIANA 20x45, $125 A. J. HUEBER CO. 144 N. Delaware ME 4-4412 CUTE 1ST floor office or retail space with outdoor patio.
Glendale area. ME 8-2305. 310 BEECHER, garage 30x40. $40 mo. Will make necess.
repairs. CH 4-9058. 458-63 VIRGINIA AVE. Larae 2 storv storerm. S200 mo.
ME 7 8293 ME 1-7250 STOREROOM or offices. Southgate Shopping Center, 2851 Madison. Mr. White, ST 4-2403. Mfg.
or Storage, 5,000 Sq. Ft. Pw. wired. ME 6-0864, VI 6 0554.
DOCTOR or dentist-Office space. 1815 N. Captlol Ave. W. A.
B.RENNAN ME 5-2315 PRIME LOC. in Broad Ripple. Will remod. to suit tenant. Reas.
rent. CL 5-0498, CL 5-8315. 12,000 SQ. FT. bldg.
Brick good for stor. or mta. Fncd. Parking. ME 5-7154 KEMPER CL 1-4072 BUSY Shelby St.
(2660). Storeroom with priv. panel office, gas ht. Mr. White.
ST 4-2403. BEAUTIFUL OFFICES Conveniently loc. rmewly dec Off SL parking. CL 5-8407. 2932 E.
10TH. Store all utils. pd. 555 Mo. ME 6-1486.
LEASE 5428 N. Keystone. 900 Sq. Agts. CL 5-9774.
ft. Prof, or mfr. STOREROOM available. 816 N. Alaboma.
Heat paid. TW 4-7894. STORE ROOM available. 910 Vir-ginlo Ave. Heot furn.
TW 4-7894. 5535 E. WASH. MOD. CL 5-3870 29 Business Places Wanted 2-C.
gar. for outo. repair, zoned. FL 6 4763. 4-TE 5-7552 eves.
30 Desk, Office Space 230 E. 9th ST. 1 BLK. N. OF RILEY CENTER 1.700 Sa.
ft. Heat, wtr. furn. Ground door apt. bldq.
$100 Mo. GENERAL APTS. INC. ME 4-2439 OFFICE SPACE 2,200 Sq. ft.
Lqe. office 5 separate rms. Monaqer, secretary comb, plus conference rm. Near offices loc. S.W.
in industrial se- tion. Ideal for architect or engineer-ing firm. CH 4-9511 week days 38TH AND BROADWAY 5-Rm. suite, air 800 sq. ft.
3763 Broadway, $115 mo. Days, WA 6-2434 Eves, CL 3-3091 N. WEST office space. Off St. Ing.
Janitor serv. Utilities Personal ans. serv. secty. space a I so avail.
ME 7-9606. BROAD RIPPLE AVE. park-paid. Desk 400 Sq. paneled dbl.
room with priv. office, $75. Paved gas neat, oir cona. i-4iu. 909 E.
38TH ST. One room $60. All utilities ond Ian itor furnished. Air-condg. avail.
VI 6-5376, WjA 3-5496. GROUND Floor office space compl. paneiea. Attractive. rent.
Accessible to all transp. 6020 Wash. FL 6 0508, FL 6-0707. DESK SPACE In Realtor's office-212 N. Delaware Air cond.
Telephone and answering HURT BROS. RLTY. ME 4-4432 DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE Ind. Terminal Bldg. Georgia and penn.
st. can voir, me 2-4361 2000 E. Small ofc bldg. Approx, 500 Sq. ft.
air auto, gas parxing. me o-gvsi. 800 TO 1200 SQ. FT. New Bldg.
N. Keystone. Exceotlonal loc. Ready June ist. li oomi.
5416 N. COLLEGE. Salesman's Ideal. Newly dec. Incl.
pnone onsw. rer.ept. Parking. CU-1B7. 1501 E.
38TH ST. oir car. pefed. Util. pd.
Includes reception room and parking. WA 6-1341. BANKERS TRUST BLDG. 39 E. Ohio.
Desk sprve. $25 Deqned of fice up to 6.000 sq. ft. ME 2-3591 OBER BLDG. 38 N.
Penn Prestige oddress. Low renLME2-3591. 3737 N. MERIDIAN, 750 sq. ft.
panldjhoice, unlim. prk. WA 6-4549 SMALL OFFICE or desk spacfor enLJ 1 00 N. Penn ME 4-5646. BUSINESS office, 637 E.
38th St. area to suit. WA fW314. 2225 E. 10TH.
turn. ME 1-0631 1 Rim. Everything ME 6-7915. 1304 E. 10TH, both.
nice. Side door. LI 7-0873. Very J30 E. 1JTH.
Apt. Bldg. bath. $20 and S22 50 yk. Adults.
To see, coll ME 8-7862. SI E. lOth-Beautifully furnished 1-1 bedroom ooartment. See manager. Ant.
No. 2, or coll WA 5-3125. 428 E. carpet, TV steam heot w. w.
ret. req. Adults. 828 Wn. ME 6-0400.
6S5 ent E. 22nd. lower, priv. bath, utils. 825 Wk.
WA 3 4648. 3627' E. 25TH. Nice J-rm. apt.
Priv. bath, ent. Adults. LI 6-5593. rue Effic.
and t-Bdrm. apt. All utils. WA 4-2010 1701 N. Illinois BACHELOR'S DELIGHT 1325 N.
New Jersey, rear. Nicely furnished garage oil utilities furnished, $90 mo. Only high type need apply. ME 9-5491. SPANN RASSMANN, INC.
CLEAN AND WARM 1215 E. Market. Well-furn. 2nd fir. apt.
Plus loe. attic, priv. util. pd. Close to bus, school, church.
1 Child welc. $17 Wk. FL 7-7974. MAYFAIR APT. 251 E.
th St. Effic. apt. Regular 15 unit apt. bldg.
Private both and kitchen, nice fur nishings. Steam heat, utilities and everything furnished. $15 wk. Custodian. ME 5-5321.
E55IX II0U5E Furnished or Unfurnished Penn. and Vermont ME 4-3307 NEW ALL elec. mobile homes for rent with garbage hdwd. firs. Awning over patio.
1 Bdrm. Adults 7777 W. Wash. CH 4-4241. WDRF.
3d clean, nicely bath, 2 closets, 2 priv. garbage laun. married cpls. adults only. ME 722681 BUSINESS or prof, lady to shore my lovely home, nr.
E. Min. age so. lemperoie noDits. Excn.
reasBox 1853, Star and News. Deluxe Bdrm. Apt. North SI 50' Carpeted, oil ht air cond. CL 5-3285 EMP.
Girl to share home with mother, daughter. 21st, Arlington, FL 9-8747, p.m. or wknds. LOVELY 4-rm. apt.
3700 between N. Illinois. util. 2 Adults. 875 up.
CL 1-0141. AVAIL. APR. 1, nicely furn. 1.
bdrm. apt. 6600 East. $110. Utils, furn.
Empl. odults. FL 6-1995. GLENDALE AREA-Lody will share 7-twrm. home with another lady.
Kets. exch. CL 1-91 39. 32' wk. TRAILER.
1-bdrm. mod. Adults. 4923 Rockvilie. $16 YOUNG MAN to shore house with 2 others.
Lawrence. LI 6-5482 oft. 6. 12 Ml. W.
on Rd. 40. Eff. 1 story. rara, parxing.
AQuits. 16 y-4586. EMPL. Girl wishes to share apt with some. ME 8-0794 eves.
2 priv. ent. preferred. Northeast. Elderly lady LI 6-3534.
EMPLOYED girl will short opt. with same. WA 6-7996. her BUSINESS-Prof. man to share apt.
LI 7-8081 aft. 5:30. E. 3-Rm. priv.
1 or 2 men, Utils. LI 6-5821. IN IRVINGTON, 3 priv. ground fir. FL 6-3960.
bath, SINGLE emp. girl sh. mod 2-bdrm. 'home N. with same.
VI 6-3917 eve. 3-RM. MOD. 1st fir. priv.
ent. Extra clean. LI 6-8623. 5300 E. UPPER.
2-Rm. Priv. 1 or 2 adults. Utils. pd.
FL 6-1151 GIRLS to share employed lady's home. WA 5-7912 Alt. 5:30. E. 2-RM.
EFF. Priv. ent. Emp. lady.
ME 1-0528. PLAINFIELD-Lovely 2-bdrm. mo bile home, 10 ft. wide. TE 9-3300.
SHARE BACHELOR HOME-TV, home privileges. ST 4-2994. IRVINGTON-Clean, attractive apt. Emp. couple.
Refs. FL 7-91 52 eves IRViNGTON-2-3 $50-575. Adults. WA 3-5697 FL 7-3056 BDRM. APT.
Clean. Nicely furn. priv. parh, enr. ll 5-imv art.
38TH AND MERIDIAN-Emp. girl will share opt. with same-WA 5-3397 3 RMS. Priv. Tile bath.
2d fl. Clean, util. Adults. $17. ME 6-7037.
COLLEGE near 38th St. Newly furn. 2 Bdrms. 3-4 Adults. WA 6-4314.
5200 E. 3 pri. ent. Share Tronsp. Adults, $15.
FL 6 3490. bath. NICE 1-2 BDRM. WA 5-5784 FOR COLORED Freshly dec. 2-bdrm.
long liv. din. area, bath, kit. with garb, mod. furniture: like new.
$80 Mo. (can be paid $20 wk.) ST 6-1411 days, ST 7-9236 eves. COLLEGE. 5-Rm. furn.
or unfurn. (Apt. $20 Wk. WA 3-4848. Camp.
2 $10. 902 N. Pershing. Inq. Apt.
3. 3-Rm. opt.JVA6-904. Ige. 2 Ige.
closets. Clean. Priv. ent. Adults.
WA 3-8189. 810.50. COL. 3500 N. Nr.
N. Mer. Gas ht. 5 2 odults. $90.
Unf. $80. CL 1-0141. COL. $7.50 317 W.
21st. Warm apt. Bath. utils. pd.
WA 3-4317. Ruckle-6-Rm. apt. Ev- ervthina furn. After 5.
WA 6-3811. N. Jefferson. 2 rms. bath, ent.
WA 5-976S. pvt. COL. 1305 W. 19TH Priv.
bath, util. Sm. children. 4-Rm. ME 4-4392 ROOSEVELT-3 $16 See or call ME 6-9143.
COL. 2022 RUCKLE. Clean, redec, 2-rm. and bath. AX 1-9044.
COL. 2004 Ruckle. 1st fi. 3 rms. Priv.
ent. Utils. WA 4-1142. COLORED-North College; 2 kitchenette furnished. WA 5-9011.
COL. 42 W. 21st pri. both, ent. Emp.
adu Its. WA 5-311 N. COLLEGE Furn. apts. Des.
WA 4-4143 NEW JERSEY. Rms. Call WA 5-5938 oft. 5 p.m. Broadway.
1 And 2 rms. Priv. both. Child welcome. N.
all utils. furn. Illinois. 2 Lge. VI 6-5547.
N. New Jersey. 1 And 2-rm opts. WA 5-0050. COL.
1920 N. New Jersey. bath. Emp. cpie.
1 BabVj Newly dec N. COLLEGE. 3 clean. ME 6-9143. RMS.
W. 21st. Warm pvt. bath. $12.50 Wk.
Util. pd. WA 5-4317 Ruckle, desirable 2 rm. apt. Utils.
ht. Adults. $10.50 wk. COL. Furn.
3rd fir. studio pt. Adults. WA 5-3685. COL.
19th, and Pork. 3 bath, util. furn. AT 3-1944. COL.
116 W. 21st. 2 Rms. $15 yt'i. od O'lift.
Ant. 7 Ad'ii'f. Wk. 26 Houses, Furnished 2615 N. ADAMS.
5 Rms. ond both. full bsmt. Inq. 2601-LI 5-3086.
126 N. CHESTER. 5-Rm. furn. oil heat, pieasont neighbor hood.
Show Sot. only from 2 to i p.m. 2739 COLLEGE Nice both. 2 or 1st fl. dup.
3 Emp. WA 5-0941. 712' FLETCHER, 5 steam heot. Children welcome. WA 3-9879.
1534 S. HARDING -5 Rms. Utils pd. Children welc. ME 8-9915.
2717 LYONS cottage. Ig. yard. Shade. Nr.
bus, 2 adults with ref. ME 1-0398. 1749 S. MERIDIAN. fum.
$25 wk. ME 7-7772. bath, 351 S. OXFORD. Small Vi dble.
suitable for 1 or 2. 2039 PARKER-Vi Dbl. porch, cpl. ME 2-6193, CH 4-9912. tf Ta'hot.
bp', opt odu't's" utilspdGd. trans. Rede. WA 6-8582 2238 VALLEY AVE. Liv.
shower. $15 wk.S50 Mo. 2AdultsAT 3O 260. 3435 W. 12TH, 3-rm.
house, newly dec, corner iolai jhuv. EXECUTIVE'S HOME Exqulslty all brick, 3 2 baths, liv. din. G.E. 2-car gar.
Lge. porch, oir cond. tnruout, W.W. caroet, draw drapes. Quiet suburban neighborhood of Orchard Pk.
Close to school, church and shopping. Rent $225 5 mo. lease starting April 1. Call VI 6-5576, S.E. 5-Rm.
mod. Nicely furn fenced yd. $100. Ref. ST 4-6076.
3 BDRMS. Partly furn. or unfurn. ME 8-5896 TE 9-6189 SOUTH-4 Rm. semi mod.
furn. house. Nr. school, busST 4-9851. WEST 4-Rm.
modern. Furnished. Ad'JIH. CH 14607. MARS HILL.
2 Bdrm. mod. dbl. vKVty rn 27 Suburban Out-of-City, Rent 6400 i. EMERSON, 4-rm.
dbl. Garden $65. ME 5-7739. bath. SMALL HOUSE in Clermont un- furn.
JE-4I60. NEAR Brownsburg, Vi 4 rms. Bath. 850. Wtr.
pd. UL 2-2057, 1 lull Dotn I nail Dams. Wt TAKt TRADES 901 ROCKVILLE ROAD (U.S. 35 Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Your only Investment will be one week's rental and starting Inventory. Lease famous, beautifully equipped, air conditioned TASTEE-FREEZ is cream or Unique, New food ond ice cream mobile unit.
HERE IS WHAT YOU GET: Highly profitable, territory. Opportunity to apply rental payments if you decide to purchnss Icter. Opportunity to earn $150 to $300 or more per week. Complete, expert training no experience required. Finest sales promotion ond advertising support.
Finest equipment with ex clusive 50 FLAVORS shake program. You must see to believe. Territories and units limited. ACT NOW! Come in or Phone today INDIANA DRIVE-IN MOBILES, INC. 660 E.
22nd St. Indionopolis, Ind. WAInut 4-4277 THE TIME HAS COME BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF DISTRIBUTORSHIPS avdilable for Greater Indianapolis area for Sill-cone Products manufactured by national organization. Company will supply accounts to be serviced by you. Radio, TV, Newspaper advertising and sales aids provided without cost.
Requirements-good 'personality. Use of car and $2000 in cash for wholesale Inventory of high profit items in wide demand-no selling experience necessary-full or part time. Write Silicone Products 7330 N. 4th Court, Miami, Florida. BE YOUR OWN BOSS TEXACO STATION FOR LEASE IN EAST INDPLS.
Modern two-bay service station with good gollonage history. Service station or automotive experience desirable but not necessary. We will train the right man and oav vou while you train. We can offer financial assistance to the right man with limited capital. Call Charles Bechtold, FL 7-8371.
Eves, and weekends, LI 5-4568. TOT SHOP Sharp tusiness, best lines, alive. Main Rochester, ME 6-1735, WA 6-7297. 37 Houses For Sale 3029 BROADWAY; lovely 3-bdrm. home, W.
to W. corpeting, room size closets, ultra-mod. full htmt Tntnl dn. Dvmt. $700 FHA.
71st. Drive 1 mi. to Hoaue Rd. ond models. Tl 9-0770.
HOLIDA NORTH Turn W. off Meridian onto W. 73d. Drive IVi mi. to Grandview and models.
CL 3-6431. HEATHER HILLS-Turn E. Off S. R. 100 onto 21st.
Drive 1 ml. to Mitt. Rd. Follow arrows to models. TW 4-3315.
LOANS CREATIVE HOME DESIGNING TO SATISFY YOU We're convinced our graduate designers will SAVE you TIME and MONEY In planning ond building your new home on you lot or on one of our 50 choice lots. Call us to discuss your new home Ideas. CUSTOM DESIGNERS BLDRS. Residential, architectural dcslaners. Construction, financing.
Tl 9-2972, 2102 Detroit. 3-Bdrm. $12,500, $500 dn. 16 N. Gladstone.
2 Bdrm. Borgain. $9. 500. 1743 S.
Irvington. 2-Bdrm. $11,500 FHA. 1044 S. Roena, 2-Bdrm.
apt. $10,000. 3049 S. Lyons. 4-Rm.
mod. $3,500. ST 4-1431, TU 1-3177 G. B. ANDERSON CO.
NEW 3-BEDROOM HOMES oven ond range. Very low down pymt. Monthly pymts. lower than rent. CALL CL 1-9549 ANY TIME ST 4 5576, ST 4-1697 LOW ON CASH9 NEED A HOUSE9 Homes In all ports of the city.
$100 to $300 down. Mr. Troylor, CL 1-1683 F. J. VIEHMANN ME 1-2501 NICE 4 Ig.
rm. heme. Gns ht. Only $6000. $200 $60 Mo.
1905 Hollowoy, LI 5-1411. 75-25 Yrs. en Quality Homes. H. Duff Vilm Mortgage Company, Inc.
CO. 3640 WASH. BLVD. WA 4-1585 181t E. MARYLAND, 3-rm.
dble. Stove ret. Utils. turn. 865.
ST 7-0216. UEUU YORK, It UOl. 3- bdrms. up. Modern.
Auto. heat. $75. After 6 p.m. Mit NOWLAND.
1 gas ht outo. hot newiy dec. $55. HARTMAN AGENCY ME 4-6546 ll69 OLNEY, 3-Rm. house, Auto, heal, 845.
No dogs. CH 4-3301 "2l N. OXFORD. New 2-bdrm. brick dble.
W. tlrs. Birch tile boh. ME 6-4835, LI 5 1405. 1350 N.
PARKER, Proct. new 4 rm ''j-dbl. Eosy to heat. 879 Mo. AX 1-9471.
Lit PARKER-S-KM. uout. UL 6-5153 "303 N. PAYTON RD. 1-Bdrm.
dbl. Choice location. Range, wtr. furn. FL 6-7021 ToTl-RAYMOND, 3-odrm.
Newly dec. Gar. $115. WA 5-9227, FL 9- 6265. 2115 N.
RURAL. 3 $e9 Mo. We have others. LI 7-5491 Mr. Coogan gar.
3459 fit. $85. 0888. 9 OS Wtr. pd.
LI 6-6494, A 6- 2748 STUART. Cute, mod. J-rm. lge. ht.
$75. ME 6-7292. tki TArriMA-Harm. ifi dble THADDEUS, 4-rm. to dble.
VFRY NICE, GOOD CONDITION 2383 UNION, $39 50, good open, ME 7-1428. Nice S-rm. heat. $75 Mo. Tl 9-2515.
844' W. DR. WoodruH HI. 3-Bdrm. modern, oil heat, newiy decor, $95 M0 FL 6-2417, FL 7-3006 "1820 E.
12TH ST. ir lAuihl. $65. Dial 4 HO 1-4279. 1142 E.
37TH PL. hnf. $115 mO. Mod. J-bdrm.
Accept 2 chit dTen. FL 7-2878, ME 9-5204. P. 46TH-3-Bdrm 2-car fncd. air cond.
WA 3-BofO. RENTALS IH LAWRENCE Dbles. and Jingles, 2 ana i bedroom $49, $79, S89. Immed. occup.
Nr. schools, shop, tenters. 7391) 53d. LI 6-9197, 9 to 5 Aft. 5, tall LI 7-4167 or LI 7-6035.
7 TTEDROOMS 3508 N. HAWTHORNE. $90 MO PMFBSON. MO 'ints. No lease, nr.
schools, hop. Children and pets welcome. Dov or eves. LI 6-2437, FL 9-4760. IRVIKGTOH AREA Josn Orion.
1-Bdrm. dble. $65 Mo. CL 5-5458 NEAR MEADOWS. 2 Bdrm.
ranch. r. iwinhnorhood $90. Lease to rioht couple. CL 1-6292.
Yi Akin 40 N. Irvinqton. Two Vi doubles. 3-2-Bdrm James R. Mun-ro, 5419 E.
FL 7-1212. "UnTvIrSITY HGTS. New 2-bedrm. brick dbl. H.W.
firs. Birch tile bath. ME 6-4335, LI 5-1405. will RENT or sell 6 bsmt. Excell.
cond. AX 1-4158. ii 3 rms. $65. UL 6-4400.
Near Twinaire, S15 $65 PEACH TREE LANE, 2-bdrm, Mo Nr. Eostgate. ME 7-9309. 4-RM DBL. Redec.
Oil. Garage. Bsmtl Water pd. Adults. "1 ARSENAL nr.
Tech. Redec. 6- rm. dbl $65 ME V.ftcDu Vi dbl. fen.
vd Nr. Schl. 3. ME 6-8855, ME 2-4625 4-RM. both sides, cnnaren welcome-MEWZ NEAR 10TH full gas ht.
$85. CH 4-5861L Vi-DBL. 5 Or 6-rm. Near schools transp 1400 East. LI 5-4011.
SEMI-SUBURBAN. Very clean hrirm. $90. CL 5-6681, LI 7-7395. E.
Lowton. New 3-bdrm. homes. Bullt-ln oven, range. CL 1-9459 days.
ST 4-5576 eves. Hillside No. 6. $52 50, r. wtr.
on ni. E. 25th. $52.50, 4 r. 001., aood open.
ME 7-1428. and Columbia, hnth, also 3 rms. AT 3-1944. COL. 406 W.
McCorty, $35, good open, ME 7-1428. SOUTH J27 DeVILLE, 3-bedroom trl-level, built-in oven and range, oart9e tin Mn. 106 E. Market St." Rm'. 430.
ME 6-9070, CL 3-6593. lTu EAST. CLEAN, 2-bdrm. i mod. 'A dbl.
$75. ST 4-4672. T460 S. EAST. 4-Rm.
Vi dbl. Mod ern, coal furnace. 815 Wk. 1441 FLETCHER-For Rent or sell 4 Bdrms. Excellent offer to right party.
AX 1-5646. 310 S. KENMORE, 3 on furnace, range, oven $100. RUSSE HARTMAN AGENCY 132 N. DELAWARE ME 4-6546 "1624 LAWTON-4-Rm.
mod. Vi-dbl. uto. heat. Adults.
ST 6-5197. 57 MANKER, 2-way attach, oil heat, wooded lot. On bus. $115. ST 6-593L S115 MATTHEWS-Z-BT.
Bor gas furnace. $75 Mo. ST 6-1689 2114 OLIVE-5 RMS. ST 7-2305 41 E. RAYMOND-5 Rm.
Childr $60 Wk. Wtr. pd. ST 4-7749. 2138 SHELBY-2-Bedrm.
mod. single. Oil $75. CL 1-3086. 1708 mod.
E. TABOR, Vi 6 rms-3 Bdrms. up, gar. ST 4-7551. 730 S.
4TH. Beech Grove-3 Barm. brick, corpeted liv. rm. $115 Mo.
Immed. poss. ST 6-1286. PHONE ME 2-14(1 J-BDRM. home suburban, well landscaped, cor.
lot. Will sell like rent. ME 4-1950. AX 1-3188. S-RM.
SEMI. MOD. house. near school ond bus. ST 4-9851.
put and BATH, ii dble. PASLEY ME 7-9283, ST 4-9885 SOUTH-Nice J-room ME 1-7250, ME 7-8293. semi-modern. ROOM, ti carpets, gas heot, odults. ST 6-7716.
WEST 3301 AUBURN, $100 Lovely, excel. open, ME 7-1428. i 3532 BEELER. 3 olum. s.o,ra, garb, fed.
fin. $'25 Mo. or opt. to buy. $14,200.
4 9013. "4432 BRITTANY RD. patio, $115 mo, en lease. Call 431 COLLI gos nr, OH facilities. AX 1-4289 oft.
5 p.m. $49.50, dgC work, ME 7-1428. 4014 FARNSWORTH, 2-bdrm. mod stone cottoae, $75 mo. 1st Mo.
rent con be dn. pymt. UL 6 5877. -3034 S. FOLTZ-Modern 4 roge.
Rent or sell. CH rms. Ga. 1-9530. 2836 McCLURE St.
4-Rm. Vi dbl Waterfurn. $68 mo CHl-6326. 422 N. RYBOLT ST.
New brick dbl, 1 Bdrm. Full bsmt. Go to 4300 W. Mich, ot stop llqht, turn south, UL 6-4979, CH 1-2025. 4634 SUSY LANE Vi Ranch style dbl.
2 In oven, range. 895 Mo. CH 1-8015 3012 W. 16th. 3-Bdrm.
Ig. rms. Gos heat, $85. No pets. CH 4-3301.
EAGLEDALE-3041 Mldvalt 3-Bdrm. $100 Mo. WA 5-8578. Drive CLOSE TO SPEEDWAY Verv nlc 3 rms. ond dinette, full new gas furnace, front north.
Onlv 877.50 Der month. CH 1-45326. After 7 p.m. CH 1-9742 MARSHA, Farley Addn. New 3-bdrm.
mod. 2-Car attch. oar. Loe lot. 3024 N.
Auburn. t-Bdrm. bit In range, oven, washer, dryer. CH i 1-2823, CH 4 2105. IN EAGLEDM.E ALL OPFN, SEE TODAY 3579 Christopher $175 3702 Allison, 3 bdrms $115 H.
E. REDDING ME 71428 NEAR SPEEDWAY, 1749 N. Luett 4 rms. Newiy dec. $70 Mo.
Call coiect. ED 5-3384, McCordsvilie. 3-BEDRM. RANCH HOME $75 Per mo. Melvln Brown, AX 1-7353.
1 Ml. W. of Speedway. 3-bdrm. ranch, 1-cor gar, $115.
UL 25484. 6700 W. In Valley Mills. 2-Bdrm. tr cd dol.
lAO Mo. UL 6-5877. WANT AD RATES Box Number Service Charge $1.00, Counts 5 Words. THESE RATES APPLY TO ALL DIRECT ADVERTISING FRO INDIVIDUALS OR FIRMS WITHIN THE STATE OF INDIANA. Tim 'i Vimt i 1 1 1 mmm Wf tH I Llmt tunrjfjy 1 Daily Doyi I 4 Day, 5 Don I Pan Dayt I 1 Pwg.
1-9 2 11.401 1.60 4.021 4.56 1 5.70 1 6.36 6.86 9.80 10-15 3 12.101 2.401 6.031 6.84 8.55 1 9.54 110.29 14.70 16-21 4 j2.8Q 3.201 8.041 9.12 11,40 1 12-72 13.72 1 19.60 22-27 5 3.50j 4.00 10.05 1 11.40 1 4.25 1 1 5.90 17.1 5 1 24.50 28-33 6 14.201 4.80 12.06 1 13.68 17.10 19.08 20.58 29.40 34-39 74.90 5.60 1 14.07 15.96 19.95 22.26 24.01 34.30 40-45 1 8 1 5.60 1 6.40 1 16.08 1 18.24 1 22.80 25.44 1 27.44 39.20 46-51 1 9 1 6.30 7.20 1 18.09 1 20.52 25.65 1 28.62 1 30.87 1 44.10 52-57 10 7.00 8.00 1 20.10 1 22.80 1 28.50 31.80 34.30 4lf 58-63 11 7.70 8.80 1 22.11 25 08 31.35 34.98 1 37.73 53l" 64-69 1 12 1 8.40 9.60 24.12 27.36 1 34.20 38.16 41.161581" 70-75 13 1 9.10 10.40 1 26.13 1 29.64 37.05 41.34 44.59 63.70 76-81 14 1 9.80 1 11.20 28.14 1 31.92 1 39.90 1 44.52 1 48.02 1 68.60 RATES PER LINE PER DAY-Sundoy 70et Doily 80C (evrin9 Insertions In both Th Morning Stor ond Th Evening News); I doys 47c; 4 or doys 57c, 6 days 53c; 7 end 10 doys 49c. Th rotes jiven herein apply spac used lor advertisem*nt! published in The Sunday Star or for advertisem*nts published in combination in both The Morning Stor ond Evening News. Space met be purchased In only Th Morning Stor or Evening News ro ol Sc per line less than rates given herein. Advertisem*nts published in morning ond evening combination shall be meosured only one for lh) purpose cl computing lineoge used and charges therelor. All advertisem*nts submitted by th Advertiser will automatically) be published in combination In both Th Morning $tar and Evening News unless otherwise designated by th Advertiser.
Copy for combination odvertlsemtntt may net changtd between morning nd evening editions. 8-3341 JOHN HUKWITI CO. ME.