The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (2024)

There are a lot of heroes in Kingdom Rush and their performance varies a lot when using them, so it can be tough to decide which ones to invest in and also which ones to run.

For that reason I have written this tier list to give you not just a plain list or overview, also give you insights about every hero’s performance in Kingdom Rush in the current state to help you decide.

Without wasting more time, let’s jump right into the tier list…


Why is there an unbalanced tier? Well, there are heroes that are straight broken in Kingdom Rush and I don’t want to rank them in the highest tier to recommend investing in them just to see them getting a rework or nerf soon. So, if you have them or want to build them on your own risk, you have overpowered heroes to run but be aware that this can change quickly.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (1)

Eiskalt is straight-up unbalanced. There’s barely anything to like about this character other than the fact that he’s just not in working condition at all in the game. The only thing he does is freeze and that does so much damage it makes the game unfair to play.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (2)

Beresad is, just like all the other dragons in Kingdom Rush overpowered in a broken way, and his speed is simply unmatched in all of Kingdom Rush. His attacks are so fast, and his HP is so high that it’s just unbearable to have such an unbalanced character in Kingdom Rush.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (3)

Murglun is just as broken as Beresad, and he’s almost the same as Beresad as well. Too fast for the game to be fair, too much HP and way too much damage. Not to mention, Murglun also has an instant kill attack and a lava attack for crowd control. It’s just too much money, it makes the game completely pay to win.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (4)

Phoenix is honestly almost as bad as the dragons, too loud and the player barely gets to play the game due to how unbalanced this character is. It’s not unfair levels of unbalanced, but there’s still a broken nature to it.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (5)

The lord of death and disease, Bonehart is a fun character to have but he’s also suffering from the same problems as the rest of the dragons. The unbalanced aspect of this character, and the fact that it costs money makes him pay to win. There’s not much you can do about it when you are up against a Bonehart.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (6)

Faustus is just as broken as the rest of the dragons mentioned here. I do have to say that this is one of the weakest ones on the team, but he’s still too strong to be considered balanced.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (7)

Blazing Death and Feast make Ashbite a pain to go against, but also an easy target. However, that won’t matter at all because he simply has so much HP you can’t do anything against it.

S+ Tier

Mobing away from the tier of heroes that are straight unbalanced to the ones that are absolutely strong and ones that I can recommend without any limitation. These heroes here are so much stronger than the other ones (except the broken ones)

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (8)

Dante not only has all useful abilities, he by far has some of the best damage and speed in the game overall. He’s a super powerful hero with a ton of versatility in terms of gameplay, and can be used in almost every situation!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (9)

Super strong and super powerful, Captain Blackthorne has the power to give gold literally. He’s got a great main attack, and his abilities are almost all useful. He’s got amazing crowd control as well as single target damage too, plus his ultimate is awesome. He’s easily a balanced, yet powerful, hero!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (10)

While he may not be great against magic-resistant enemies, Mortemis can literally tear apart anything you put in front of him. He’s very tanky, very fast and somehow has extremely useful abilities that can keep you fighting by lowering enemies’ resistances. He can even reanimate dead enemies as zombies, his ground units can damage flying enemies and stun them too! He’s fantastic.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (11)

Jack O’Lantern has the same kind of benefits as Mortemis. He’s strong, not too tanky, but fast and light-footed enough with some of the best abilities in Kingdom Rush.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (12)

Not only is Bruxa a VERY high single damage character that relies heavily on her fast movement speed and ranged AoE attacks. Not only can she deal a ton of damage to crowds, but she can deal a massive amount of damage to single targets. Moreover, she’s so fast it’s impossible to catch her!

S Tier

The heroes in this tier are also really strong and very powerful, but compared to the ones in the S+ tier a little less powerful, that’s why they are in this tier.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (13)

Art-design-wise; Elora Wintersong is probably one of the coolest characters in Kingdom Rush. Moreover, she has good damage, decent attack speed and great abilities. She can also deal a ton of damage using her main attack, so that’s really useful in certain situations!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (14)

Magnus Spellbane has got super strong abilities; he can teleport anywhere he wants on the map, and he can clone himself. His damage is fantastic too and he can do devastating amounts in short bursts of time. He’s a glass cannon, but he’s pretty darn good.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (15)

King Denas is one of those underrated characters that you need on your team. He can extend the range of the towers; his attack speed is super-fast and he has an artillery barrage for support purposes. He’s just an all-around GOOD character!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (16)

Asra can break physical armor on each main attack after being upgraded. Not to mention, her spider bite ability can simply dismantle enemies by poisoning and dealing damage over time. She’s fantastically balanced, and well designed.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (17)

Kahz is criminally underrated, he is a living breathing wrecking ball. He has insane damage capabilities, and he can make your barracks overpowered for a short span of time. His teleportation gives him so much more room to maneuver around.

A Tier

Heroes in this tier are still strong and very viable, just compared to the upper tiers not that strong but there’s no reason not to have and use them.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (18)

Ingvar Bearclaw has got to be one of the most well-balanced characters in the game. He’s great at crowd control, and despite his slow movement and attack speed, he can summon support units to aid him in combat and he has chance to become invulnerable for a decent amount of time on the field!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (19)

Sir Gerald Lightseeker, the Paladin, will support barracks as good as anyone else, he’ll tank bosses and he’ll deal damage whenever you need it! Some characters might do his job better than him, but he’s still lovable!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (20)

Vez’nan goes to the A Tier instead of the S Tier simply because he’s a bit lacking in power and he’s hard to use as a hero. Other than that, he’s simply King Denas but with a magical affinity rather than purely physical damage.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (21)

Wilbur will always struggle against high HP enemies, but if the enemy has a medium or lower HP, he’ll destroy them. He’s got decent attack speed and single target DPS maneuvers, he’s got it good.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (22)

Grawl’s got 900 HP at max level, and he’s got decent crowd control abilities against small units. He is meant for tanking, and he tanks better than almost every other character.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (23)

Dierdre requires an acute mechanical skill at microing, there’s no other way around it. She’s going to support your barrack troops better than mostly anyone else, but you have to micro otherwise she won’t survive much.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (24)

Saitam can make enemies receive extra damage for a short burst of time, and he has some of the best abilities in the game. However, he has limited crowd control, but he’s well balanced enough that it doesn’t become too detrimental.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (25)

Alric is essentially just like Karkinos, he has a huge survivability and a ton of damage. However, he can summon up to three units which makes him SUPER strong. He’s basically as strong as Gerald, but a bit better overall in terms of usability.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (26)

Nivuscan teleport, he can crowd control, he can insta-kill, he can do everything! The grand wizard’s only detriment is that he has an HP cap and is a glass cannon. However, if you’re moderately good at the game, he’ll win you games!

B Tier

The B Tier is basically a niche tier, that means that heroes here are either good for specific things where they can be as good as the ones in the upper tier, but overall they are not that versatile.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (27)

Mirage has the chance for an insta-kill, not to mention, she has some very decent abilities that also increase her chances to kill. She could have been a higher tier but she struggles against a lot of enemies, which makes her a tad weaker.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (28)

Karkinos can become invulnerable for a short burst of time when he’s below 40 HP. This makes him one of the best characters to have during Endless mode, especially when combined with his high damage. He’s not too powerful in terms of tankiness or abilities, but he can survive quite well on his own.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (29)

If you don’t put Veruk up against armored enemies, he will dominate. This walking tank can take control of the battlefield within an instant and turn the tide in your favor. Not to mention, he’s free!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (30)

Doom Tank SG-11 is very much like Veruk, but he’s a bit more on the overpowered side when it comes to his fantastic abilities and expendables. However, he’s very vulnerable to certain types of enemies, which and they’re resistant to his attacks which makes him weaker in general.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (31)

Jigou is just Grawl but with a different skin. They’re essentially the same character, role and class included, but they have different elements. Jigou is just unoriginal and wasn’t necessary, but he’s still a good character overall.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (32)

Duraxis only for those who like his abilities, especially since they’re very cool and he can clone himself too. He might deal a TON of damage but he’s a bit confusing to use if you’re not sure how to use macros.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (33)

Arivan barely deals any damage at all through his main attack, but his abilities are what carry him through. His abilities are absolutely busted at times, and if you’re good at microing and know how to play him, he can be quite great for you!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (34)

Malik Hammerfury has pretty decent abilities, and he’s very balanced. Not to mention, his role is clear to play but he doesn’t do it too well, he’s one of the better supports class characters in the game, nonetheless.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (35)

Bolverk is the same as Malik in most ways. He has decent abilities, he’s well-balanced, he has a very cool design and he’s one of the better secondary heroes in the game.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (36)

Eridan, the Ranger, is quite useful, with all of his abilities having some sort of situational purpose. However, he’s a bit too situational to be anything more than B tier. Overall though, he’s a decent hero.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (37)

Oni is the coolest character in the game by far. He’s not the most useful one though! He has a decent damage, all his abilities are decent too and he’s tanky. However, he is VERY vulnerable to ranged units which can be detrimental in almost every level, he simply dies too easily.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (38)

Bravebark, the Ent Lord, is a great character. He’s full of personality and has a decent support system and survivability. If only his damage was better, he’d be up in A Tier at least.

C Tier

Heroes in this tier can have very specific uses but have an overall weakness or are simply overall weaker than the heroes ranked above and should not be any long-term choice.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (39)

Alleria Swiftwind is still better than mostly anyone lower on this list. She has fast attacks that deal light damage, she’s slow in every other way but her light attacks though. She does level up very fast and she’s a free character, being one of the original Kingdom Rush characters.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (40)

Prince Denas is a bit weaker than King Denas of course, but the Prince still has Sworn Defenders to stall enemy units and can deal moderately decent physical damage. He’s got some good things!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (41)

Ignus is fiery cool, but there’s an issue with him. He’s insanely overpowered, which makes him a bit boring to play and too bland to like. Despite the fact that his abilities are really good, his main attack is awesome and he’s fast enough while dealing a ton of damage.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (42)

Lilith can deal a whopping 1600 damage when her ultimate ability is on fleek. However, most of the time you’re unsure whether the character will work for you or not. It’s a gamble picking Lilith, she’s either too strong or not at all.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (43)

Lucrezia is only good in one particular level, with decent crowd control abilities and a tanky HP
to help her out, she is at least a decent character.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (44)

Margosa can be useful when focusing on one target at a time. However, she’s not too tanky and can be taken out quite quickly. Her ultimate though, can be regenerated almost the whole game so that helps!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (45)

Traminhas his uses. Somewhat of an underrated character because he has a decent stun, as well as splash damage with his main attacks despite the low area of effect.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (46)

Reg’son is great against Twilight Golems and becoming a human shield. That’s about the best you can do with Reg’Son, but he can keep benefitting off of enemies dying!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (47)

Sha’tra is a decently balanced character, Sha’tra can be good in most situations. However, he’s simply too weak to deal any extended damage, and his abilities don’t really help much in most situations. His tankiness can help win you battles though!

D Tier

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (48)

Hacksaw comes with a guaranteed insta-kill if you micro well. He is super slow though, and he doesn’t do a lot of damage.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (49)

Kutsao is a fast attacker that isn’t completely useless. Though as far as attacking fast goes, he’s not very fast nor does he do a lot of damage. He’s supposed to be a high-damage character, but he’s okay at best.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (50)

Xin, the diabolical Panda, has almost the same play style as Cronan. He does deal enough damage when levelled up, so that makes him better than Cronan in every way.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (51)

The Black Corsair hasgot limited range, limited usefulness, and he’s not strong enough if we’re being honest. He struggles against Blood Shells, but he deals decent damage to everyone else. He’s not completely useless, but he’s limited to say the least.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (52)

Bruce is the definition of an average character. His abilities are mediocre at best, his damage is decent but his speed is slow. He does not make a lasting impression.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (53)

Jun’Pai is not a great support character at all, he’s wonky and his role isn’t clear for players. In fact, most of the time Jun’Pai functions more like a DPS, but with poor damage instead. He’s not horrible at support, but he could be so much better.

F Tier

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (54)

Rurin Longbeard simply has one useful ability, and there’s nothing else in his arsenal of any use whatsoever.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (55)

Cronan barely deals any damage! You can level Cronan up to the maximum you want, but he’ll only dish out the most minimal damage he can!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (56)

You cannot even tell what Razz and Rags’ role is simply because he gets outclassed in every way. There’s nothing to like about this character, but his voice lines are there for you to hate on!

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (57)

Catha is bland, her abilities are not only boring but they barely do anything. She has terrible damage, but she can stall enemies and that’s her only use.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (58)

Oloch’s ultimate ability literally doesn’t do any damage, there’s nothing much left to say but that.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (59)

Lynn is a confusing character. The people that play her can play her well, but there’s no clear way to learn her, she’s hard to level up and her abilities are simply underpowered.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (60)

Thor is the one character I hoped would be good, but he’s terrible in almost every way. He’s terrible at crowd control which his main abilities are meant to be used for, and he’s got little damage, slow speed and he’s simply bad.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (61)

If Dwarves are supposed to be OP in Kingdom Rush, Bolin Farslayer is literally the opposite of that known fact. He literally uses a gun instead of an explosive weapon, and deals minimal damage, and has no good abilities.

The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (62)

Dianyun can attack while moving, and he moves quite slowly but he attacks for a ton of HP. This makes him a weak character that costs a lot for not much reason. He is plainly unfun.


So, that’s the full tier list as I see it in the current state of Kingdom Rush and I hope it’s helpful for you and give you some insights to plan your hero choices. If you have questions or think I made a mistake, please drop a comment below and I’m happy to reply.

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The Best Heroes in Kingdom Rush (Tier List) 🏰 - AllClash (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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