Little Acts of Kindness - Chapter 7 - TheDeadGirlRisen - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Hizashi smiled at the sight of the little listener laughing in pure joy, and Shota was snickering. It had been a few hours since he left, and he hoped that his husband hadn’t just told embarrassing stories of him. Nemuri and Tensei had some highly embarrassing moments as well.

It took a moment, but finally Midoriya noticed him. The boy quieted down a bit, but didn’t instantly become nervous. Which was a huge improvement. It seemed the boy was starting to realize that Hizashi wasn’t like his previous english teacher.

Hizashi had also noticed that the boy liked to see his eyes, perhaps because it was one of the most noticeable differences between him and that other english teacher. So he had already changed into his civilian ware, hair tied back into a loose bun.

He looked at his husband who gave a small nod, scooting over to make room on the hospital bed. He beamed, giving finger guns to his husband as he went over and sat down next to him. Using their relationship to help put Midoriya at ease was a brilliant plan from Shota. And it was working, Midoriya no longer flinched at his mere presence, didn’t curl up nearly as much.

“How are you?” He asked.

“Tired,” Shota deadpanned.

“I brought you and the kiddo a snack,” he said smiling. Hizashi saw them look at him and he pulled out a couple of jelly packets from his pocket. “Midoriya, catch,” he warned the boy before tossing it over.

The boy caught it and gave him a hesitant smile, “T-thank you.”

He opened the juice packet and held it up for his husband to sip down. Hizashi glanced over to the kid to see him looking at the packet hesitantly. “Something wrong little listener?”

“N-no!” The boy said quickly, shifting a bit, the boy looked him in the eyes and Hizashi kept the gaze, seeing how the boy was working on saying something, “I j-just… I-I never h-had o-one of t-these before.”

Shota coughed in disbelief from next to him, “You never had a jelly packet?” Shota repeated, a slight note of horror in his voice. Hizashi resisted the urge to grin, knowing his husband practically lived off the jelly packets and coffee.


“Well, go ahead, what flavor did you give him ‘Zashi?”


“I’ll have to bring the other flavors so Midoriya can try them all and find his favorite,” Shota said with a nod. Earning a surprised look from Midoriya.


Hizashi chuckled, “Shota is obsessed with these packets, he considers it a travesty that you haven’t had them before.”

“I can speak for myself you know.”

“Of course,” Hizashi agreed, earning a glare from Shota.

Midoriya looked at the jelly packet and opened it, carefully lifting it up and taking a sip. He blinked, his eyes widening. “It’s good,” he muttered in surprise.

He may not be able to see it, but Hizashi knew his husband was smirking, “That they are,” Shota agreed, taking another drink of his, finishing it off.

“Anyways, the school day is over now, so we’ll be taking you to your home.”

Midoriya looked up, tilting his head, “B-but I t-take t-the train?”

“Not while you're healing, little listener,” Hizashi stated, his eyes meeting Midoriya’s again as he said, “We don’t want to risk something happening to you on the way home. We’ll also be picking you up in the mornings to make sure you get to school safely.”

The kid fell silent, taking another small sip of the jelly packet. “Ok,” the kid agreed after a moment in a quiet voice.

“If you don’t feel comfortable with us taking you home, I’m sure we can ask All Might or one of the other teachers to take you home,” Shota spoke up.

“Y-you t-two are f-fine.”

Hizashi beamed, giving finger guns at the kid.

“Are you ready to go home now then, or do you want to stay here a little longer?”

The kid finished the last of the jelly packet, “W-we can g-go.”

Hizashi nodded, and the three made their way out of the room, he led the kid to his car and opened the door to the passenger seat and backseat for Shota and Midoriya. “I never want to have my arms broken again,” Shota grumbled.

He chuckled, “I don’t mind, means I get to take care of you.”

The glare his husband gave was burning, “Though I do miss that handsome face of yours,” he added with a wink.

“Hizashi!” Shouta snapped out, and he knew his husband was flustered.

He chuckled as he closed the door for Shota and then walked around to the drivers side. He got in and turned on the radio, playing something upbeat that he hummed along with, seeing how the kid seemed to relax with the music playing.

After a half hour drive he pulled up at Midoriya’s apartment complex. “Alright kiddo, were here,” he eyed the building, not seeing an elevator. “Does your apartment have an elevator?”


“Stairs it is then,” he said as he got out, seeing that Midoriya had started to get out as well. The boy sent him a confused look, “I’m not letting you walk up the stairs by yourself, what if you trip and fall?”

Midoriya’s eyes widened at that, watering a bit, and Hizashi started to panic before the boy said, “T-thanks.”

Now Hizashi was the one confused, “Your welcome?” he returned hesitantly, not sure what the kid was thanking him for. Midoriya just walked to the stairs, not offering anything to help clarify what he meant. The boy paused at the bottom of the stairs.

“Is something wrong?”

“H-how?” The boy asked, looking at the stairs and then down to his crutches.

“Put both of your crutches under one arm and grab the railing with the other, keep the crutches on the step where you’re standing. Then you step up with your stronger leg,” he looked and saw the kid paying attention to him so he continued, “Push down on your crutches, and then step up with your weaker leg. Once both feet are on the same step, bring your crutches up to that step. Rinse and repeat.”

He watched, standing carefully a step behind the kid and at a bit of an angle as the kid started to walk up the stairs. Luckily the boys apartment was only on the second floor instead of any higher.

Hizashi saw the kid dig through his pocket, pulling out a key-chain with a key and a small All Might figurine. The kid pushed the key in before frowning, “I-it’s unlocked?” the boy mumbled.

Midoriya took the key out and opened the door. Hizashi watched as the boy paled a bit, “A-auntie?”

“Izu-kun! You’re finally here! What took you so long, rascal?” A blonde woman appeared at the doorway, almost startling Hizashi as she looked like a female version of Bakugo. The woman looked at Midoriya, “Oh… I see…” her head turned, “Oi! Brat, why the hell didn’t you tell me Izu-kun was injured!”

“Shut up you old hag!” Bakugo’s voice yelled back. Carefully Hizashi reached into one of his pockets, and activated the recorder, having a feeling that he was about to have a conversation that Shota would want to hear.

The woman moved out of the doorway and Izuku entered, “And who the hell are you?” The woman asked, turning to him with suspicious eyes.

“Yamada Hizashi, I’m one of Midoriya’s and Bakugo’s teachers at U.A.”

Her expression changed and she smiled, “Ah! Sorry, my name is Bakugo Mitsuki, Katsuki’s mother and this rascal’s aunt,” the woman said, reaching over and ruffling Midoriya’s hair, causing him to flinch.

She sighed, “Really Izu-kun?”

“S-s-sorry,” the boy apologized.

Hizashi’s smile fell a bit at that, “Ah, may I come in, I need to speak with Mrs. Midoriya about the incident.”

Mrs. Bakugo frowned, nodding, “Of course, but I have to warn you that Inko-chan is.. Well disabled. Poor woman. Brat! Go bring your aunt into the living room!” She screamed into the apartment.

“Shut up!” the boy yelled back, but there was the sound of footsteps from inside.

Mrs. Bakugo pointed to one of the seats and then she sat next to Izuku, who shifted, a look of discomfort on his face. The woman sighed, “So why are you here in person instead of just calling like the school did for me?”

“Due to Midoriya’s injuries we figured it would be safer to make sure he was accompanied by the school's personal, we did call Mrs. Midoriya to let her know he was injured and had to stay in the nurse's office overnight for observation.”

At that moment Bakugo walked in, standing next to the walking corpse that was Midoriya’s mother. Her eyes were still empty, and she walked and sat down in one of the chairs. “What are you doing here?” Bakugo questioned in a contempt-filled tone with narrowed eyes.

“Respect your teacher brat!” Mrs. Bakugo snapped.

Hizashi cleared his throat before Bakugo could respond and started to explain what happened at USJ, and how Midoriya got injured to save a teacher’s life. “Good job rascal!” Mrs. Bakugo praised, patting Midoriya’s head, getting another flinch as the boy looked down.

“Tch, if only you were more confident.”

“I-I’m s-so-sorry,” Midoriya apologized.

“Stop apologizing, you’re trying to be a hero, aren’t you?”

Midoriya nodded, still not looking up.

Mrs. Bakugo glared, “Speak up, have you ever seen a hero who can’t speak properly?”

“N-n-no,” Midoriya answered his stuttering worse.

Hizashi’s smile fell at the sight of the boy who looked like he was trying to escape, his eyes were watering, but Midoriya wasn’t letting his tears fall. “Excuse me, but what do you think you are doing?” Hizashi questioned, his voice icy.

The woman looked at him confused, “Trying to get the rascal to stop being a wimp.”

Bakugo snorted, “Deku will always be a crybaby.” Midoriya flinched at that, raising one of his arms to scrub at the tears.

“What you are doing is not helping him at all,” Hizashi started, preparing to go on a rant.

“And what would you know, huh?”

“A) I am a teacher for teens, I know when a ‘tough love’ approach is necessary and when a kid needs a different approach. B) I’m a pro hero, I recognize the signs of trauma which comes from bullying and other such events. C) I’m not the parent of one of Midoriya’s main bullies.”

Midoriya’s eyes went wide in surprise, looking at him in a sort of stunned disbelief.

The woman looked enraged, “Katsuki is not a bully!”

Hizashi just calmly raised an eyebrow, wearing one of Shota’s ‘are you done yet?’ faces.

Mrs. Bakugo turned to Izuku, “Well? Aren’t you going to defend Katsuki?”

“I don’t need that damn nerd standing up for me!”

“Shut up brat!”

Izuku started to say something, but he was stuttering so badly that nothing could be made out, “Speak clearly, rascal,” Mitsuki scolded Izuku, tugging his ear.

The boy's green eyes met his, filled with misery and Hizashi just wanted to hug the poor kid. He watched as the boy opened and closed his mouth, but nothing came out. “Tch, you’ve gone mute again, haven’t you?”

Midoriya nodded looking ashamed.

“Go to your room, while I finish this chat with your teacher then.” Mrs. Bakugo said, practically spitting out the word teacher as she glared at him.

Midoriya stood up, and quickly hobbled out of the room on his crutches. “Why would you ever insinuate that Katsuki bullies Izu-kun, those two are best friends, even if my brat is a bit of an idiot when showing it.”

“Ma’am, were you not informed about the incident that happened at the start of this week?”

Mrs. Bakugo’s anger seemed to fade as confusion replaced it, she frowned, “My husband mentioned something about Katsuki having to take Anger Management lessons, but he didn’t tell me the specifics.”

“I see, there was a battle simulation exercise, and Bakugo and Midoriya fought each other. Bakugo nearly killed Midoriya, despite the teacher of the class telling him to stop,” Hizashi informed the mother, watching as Bakugo seemed to sink down into his chair a bit.

“I think I still have the video on my phone if you would like proof.”

The woman nodded, and Hizashi carefully kept his face blank of the glee he felt, so what if he was maybe a bit biased against Bakugo and wanted to see him get more than the little slap on the wrist the school had decided on. He pulled up the video, and showed it to Mitsuki, who paled and then became enraged, before her expression went cold. “I see, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Izu-kun! There’s a meal in the fridge for you and Inko-chan!” The woman hollered into the house as she stood up, one arm tightly gripping Bakugo’s. She looked at Inko, “I think it’s best if I go now, but I’ll come visit you again in a couple weeks.”

“Ok,” Inko replied, face blank of any emotion.

Mrs. Bakugo’s gaze turned sad.

Hizashi stood up and gave a nod, “Thank you for your time.” He tried his best to keep his voice even to not show how he felt. The anger that burned at this situation. “I’ll be saying goodbye to Midoriya and then I will take my leave.”

Mrs. Bakugo nodded and Hizashi went further into the house, finding a door that had Izuku’s name hanging on it.

He knocked, a moment later and Izuku opened the door, his cheeks red and puffy and he was wiping away tears. “Hey little listener, I’m going to go now, will you be alright?”

Midoriya nodded.

“May I ruffle your hair?” he asked carefully.

The kid hesitated, then gave a nod. Hizashi smiled and gave the hair a quick ruffle. “You’re a good kid, alright? Don’t feel pressured to speak if you don’t want to, yeah?”

Midoriya gave a small shaky smile and a thumbs up. “I’ll pick you up Monday around 7:45.”

He got a nod in response.

Hizashi shot the kid some finger guns, and then headed out. Turning off the recorder as he did so. Looking down he saw the Bakugo’s getting into a car and driving away. He went to his own car and saw Shota waiting there, staring at the retreating vehicle with narrowed eyes.

He got into the driver’s seat and sighed, “Poor Midoriya.”

“What happened?” Shota growled. “Why was Bakugo in Midoriya’s house?”

“Apparently Mrs. Bakugo is Midoriya’s aunt,” he said. He started the car and drove towards their house. “I did record it as well. Do you want to wait for the recording or for me to tell you what went down?”

“Tell me.”

So as he drove he relayed the gist of the conversation. Shota growled by the end of it, “She made him go mute?”

“Yeah, she mentioned again, so it sounds like a common occurrence for him around her.”

“And was Mrs. Midoriya still a ‘walking corpse’?” Shota questioned, using the nickname Hizashi had given her.


Shota groaned, “This just keeps getting better and better,” he muttered sarcastically.

Hizashi shook his head, “Nothing we can do about it unless we can get proof that Mrs. Midoriya is mistreating him, but then he would enter the foster system…”

“That would be even worse.”

“We’ll figure something out Sho.”

“Yes, we will.”

Little Acts of Kindness - Chapter 7 - TheDeadGirlRisen - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.