Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (2024)

Johnathon Daigle

I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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Why most networking efforts fail. This is key.Introducing a strategic approach to networking effectively.In the wake of today's competitive business landscape, networking is more crucial than ever.Unfortunately, most networking efforts fall short.Whether it's connecting with new clients or nurturing existing relationships, understanding and applying a strategic approach is a game-changer.It's a simple yet powerful framework that outlines three critical components needed for successful networking...→ Understand your client's needs: Know their industry, target audience, and pain points.→ Use multi-channel strategies: Email campaigns, social media ads, and content marketing.→ Provide value at every touchpoint: Offer free resources, share relevant case studies, and give personalized recommendations.... As well as what happens when each is missing.• No understanding of the client's needs = "Disconnection"• Lack of multi-channel strategies = "Limited Reach"• No value provided = "Loss of Interest"Last but not least, here's an example to ensure effective networking:1/ Understand your client's needs: Research their industry, know their target audience, and identify their pain points.2/ Use multi-channel strategies: Implement email campaigns, leverage social media ads, and engage in content marketing.3/ Provide value at every touchpoint: Offer free resources, share relevant case studies, and give personalized recommendations.Networking is about building trust.Master it with this strategic approach!



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Dennis "The Alaskan" Kline

Have more time │ money │ purpose.Build a Better Life.


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Johnathon Daigle a few other reasons why people fail at networking... they mistake it for:1. socializing2. cold calling3. peer review

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Mohamed Sakr 🔸

"The AI Wizard"🧙🏼 | I help you grow your business with actionable AI strategies. 📈💰


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Thanks for sharing

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Jeremy Prasetyo

It isn't disruption if you're ready for it...


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Networking is not just about connections, it's about genuine relationships.Invest time in understanding needs, providing value, and using diverse strategies. Johnathon Daigle

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Timothy Goebel

Transform Your Business with Cutting-Edge Computer Vision and Edge AI Solutions | AI Specialist & Innovator


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Great insights! Understanding client needs, using multi-channel strategies, and providing value at every touchpoint are indeed crucial for effective networking.

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Ben Etherington

I Help Founders Start and Scale their AI Start-up's 📈 | Co-Founder & CTO @ Webforge 🛠️


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#1 is so important and it all starts with just listening, were humans, we find it easier to talk about ourselves as we live through our owned experiences, but listening to others is the best way to make someone feel heard and accepted.Another amazing post mate !Keep em coming ! 🙌

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Agastya Gudipati

Founder & CEO, EvoluteAI | Helping Coaches Build Viral Personal Brands with AI Content Flywheels


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Understanding clients' needs, using multi-channel strategies, and providing value are essential for successful networking.

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westley harnett

Personal development expert | Entrepreneur and leader | Empowering life mastery, growth and positive change in people and businesses


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Understanding your client’s needs and providing value at every touchpoint are crucial for building lasting relationships.

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Dr. Neetu Johnson M.D.🧠🩺

Chief Medical Officer | Consultant Psychiatrist | Mental Health Specialist 🧠 | AI Health Tech Founder | 📊 Subscribe to my newsletter 🚀


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Providing ongoing value is essential to keeping connections strong.

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Kevin Box🚀

I help creators grow their personal brand and monetize on LinkedIn | Join my Growth Community (Ignite) to learn from the top LinkedIn Creators.


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I love your post today. There’s a ton of nuggets in this one. Have yourself a blessed day.

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  • Johnathon Daigle

    I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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    Another awesome automation that saves me hours a week:Most people don’t realize professionals waste time on manual task.They manually check messages, create tasks, and update records.At the time, this tedious process operated much like a traditional workflow -lots of manual steps and time-consuming updates.But with reduced productivity, I decided to shake things up and automate everything.Here are a few things I did that changed my workflow forever:→ Set up triggers to detect new messagesI used automation tools to instantly detect new messages. No more manual checking.→ Integrated accounts for seamless data flowI connected all my accounts to ensure data flowed smoothly between them.→ Used ChatGPT to generate action itemsChatGPT helped me by automatically generating tasks from messages.→ Formatted dates accurately with @Zapier Zapier ensured all my dates were formatted correctly, reducing errors.→ Created records in @Smartsuite SmartSuite handled all my record-keeping automatically, freeing up my time.→ Automated task management end-to-endI automated the entire task management process, making my workflow efficient and productive.Don’t waste time on manual tracking.Automate while you work, work while you automate.Automation every day is how you keep productivity in your workflow healthy.That’s your highest productivity-driving activity.Activate to view larger image,

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  • Johnathon Daigle

    I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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    I started posting on LinkedIn about 90 days ago:And now?It’s been pretty cool to see the progress.We had the amazing Conner Burton on the podcastWe discussed a lot of awesome things, but personal brand and posting consistency came up, so I was able to give my 2 cents. Discussing Failure and Starting: Had I not started, I'd still be at 0 Impressions.0 Followers.But now, it’s pretty cool to say I did something that I can show. Here’s what I learned:Sometimes My Ideas Suck:↳ Live and Learn then run the experiment again.Consistency:↳ Posting regularly keeps you in front of your audienceEngagement:↳ Interacting with others boosts visibility and connectionsValue:↳ Sharing useful content attracts followers and attentionGrowth:↳ Small steps lead to significant progress over timeCommunity:↳ Building relationships fosters support and collaborationVisibility:↳ More posts mean more chances to be seenFeedback:↳ Learning from comments and likes helps improve contentConfidence:↳ Each post builds momentum and self-assuranceStarting was the key.And sticking with it made all the difference.Because in the end, action speaks louder than words.It’s the small steps that lead to the biggest changes.



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  • Johnathon Daigle

    I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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    Your Instagram "works" at night too.(here's a trick that helps you save time + get leads)I always say your account should be your 24/7 helper.In other words...You don't need to be online for your account to capture leads.Here's my (tried and tested) 3-step formula:1. Sign Up: Manychat Account↳ Go to and create a free account↳ Connect your Instagram business account through Settings > Channel > Instagram2. Build the Chatbot Flow↳ Click on Automation, then "New Flow"↳ Name it "Instagram Lead Gen" and set the trigger keyword (e.g., "FREEBIE")↳ Steps: Greet user, ask for email, offer freebie, integrate with email service, qualify lead, deliver freebie3. Promote the Chatbot↳ Add a call-to-action in your bio: "DM me FREEBIE for my free guide!"↳ Promote the keyword in posts, stories, and ads↳ ManyChat will capture emails and deliver freebies automaticallySave this ManyChat setup: 1 keyword → 3 key steps.Automate like a pro → Leverage your timeThis works for WhatsApp and Messenger for Business as well!

    • Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (24)



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  • Johnathon Daigle

    I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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    Use Quiet Power to skyrocket your team's success:The world often overlooks the strengths of introverts,choosing instead to celebrate the loudest voices.But as Stephen Hawking once said,"Quiet people have the loudest minds."Ever had a brilliant idea pop up, only to lose focus and get distracted? This powerful Zapier automation helps keep you on track! Here’s how it works:1/ Trigger: New Message Posted on Discord When a new message is posted in a private Discord channel, it kicks off a seamless process to ensure your ideas turn into actionable tasks.2/ AI-Powered Insight: ChatGPT IntegrationGenerate Action Items: ChatGPT processes the message and generates actionable items.Create Task Titles: A second ChatGPT interaction crafts a clear, concise title for your task.3/ Date Formatting:Using Zapier's Formatter, the date is formatted to MM/DD/YY to keep your records tidy and consistent.4/ SmartSuite Integration:Finally, all this information is transferred to SmartSuite, creating a structured task record with details like task title, description, status, creation date, and priority.Why This Automation is a awesome:→ Enhances Productivity: Capture ideas without breaking your workflow.→ AI-Driven Efficiency: Leverages ChatGPT to transform casual conversations into structured tasks.→ Streamlined Workflow: Ensures your information flows smoothly across platforms, promoting a cohesive approach to task management.Step-by-Step Guide:New Message in Discord:App: DiscordEvent: New Message Posted to ChannelChannel: skool-taskGenerate Action Items with ChatGPT:App: ChatGPTEvent: ConversationUser Message: Generate action items (e.g., Follow up with James/Ben/Jofu)Create Task Title with ChatGPT:App: ChatGPTEvent: ConversationUser Message: Create a Title for this task (e.g., Document Review Coordination Plan)Format Date:App: Formatter by ZapierEvent: Date / TimeTransform: Format (MM/DD/YY)Create Record in SmartSuite:App: SmartSuiteEvent: Create RecordSolution: Webforge Skool PlanningTable: TaskDetails: Task Title, Description, Status, Date Task Created, Priority, Discord UsernameBy automating these steps, you transform spontaneous ideas into organized tasks effortlessly. Say goodbye to distractions and hello to a more productive workflow!Bonus Guide: How to get clients in two simple steps:#MakeCoolsh*t #ShowPeople



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  • Johnathon Daigle

    I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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    Rule for removing friction: Automation is key🌟 The Coolest Part? 🌟Our automation doesn't just distribute content; it creates Instagram posts with compelling text for you, taking productivity and engagement to the next level!Here are 5 steps to streamline and supercharge your social media content distribution:→ SmartSuite - Watch Updated RecordsOur automation kicks off by monitoring SmartSuite for any new or updated records with a status of "APPROVED." This ensures that only the best content triggers the workflow.→ RouterThe workflow then branches out into multiple paths, allowing different actions based on specific conditions or criteria.→ LinkedIn - Create a User Text PostOne path posts the content as a user text post on LinkedIn, ensuring immediate sharing with our LinkedIn audience.→ Facebook Pages - Create a PostAnother path posts directly on Facebook Pages, keeping our Facebook presence active and engaging.→ Iterator and Placid - Create ImageUsing an iterator and Placid, we generate eye-catching images for our posts, which is perfect for enhancing visual content.→ Array Aggregator and Instagram for Business - Create a Carousel PostWe collect multiple pieces of content to create engaging carousel posts on Instagram, boosting interaction and engagement.Why This Automation Rocks:✨ Streamlined Content Distribution: Automates content sharing across multiple platforms, saving time and effort.✨ Consistency: Ensures updates in SmartSuite are promptly shared across all linked social media accounts.✨ Enhanced Engagement: Maximizes reach and interaction on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.✨ Visual Content Creation: Automatically generates images, increasing visual appeal.✨ Efficient Management: Reduces manual workload, allowing teams to focus on other critical tasks.This automation is a game-changer for efficiently managing and distributing content, ensuring that updates are consistently and effectively shared, maximizing our reach and engagement across all platforms.#MakeCoolsh*t #ShowPeople

    • Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (32)
    • Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (33)
    • Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (34)
    • Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (35)
    • Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (36)




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  • Johnathon Daigle

    I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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    Simple automation workflows are my favorite. Simple. Repeatable. See: My ADHD can be the bane of my existence. A task that "should" take 5 minutes, can sometimes take me hours to remember to do it. So what do we do? What we do best. Automate the task that we can. Remove the friction so I can focus on the things that matter. It takes 11 minutes for the average person to get distracted.And then it takes them 23 minutes to refocus again.Don’t let inefficiency take over.Break the cycle with these simple 12 steps:This is a simple workflow that simply notifies me when someone joins our Skool community and updates our CRM ( SmartSuite ). 1. Set up Zapier to connect Skool, Discord, and SmartSuite ↳ Start by linking your Skool account to Zapier.↳ Zapier is the glue that holds your workflow together.2. Trigger: A new paid member joins Skool↳ This is the starting point of your automation.↳ Every new member triggers the workflow.3. Use Formatter by Zapier to ensure the correct date/time format↳ This keeps your data clean and consistent.↳ Proper formatting is crucial for accurate records.4. Send a channel message in Discord ↳ Keeps your team instantly informed about new members.↳ Seamless communication is key.5. Create a record in SmartSuite↳ Automatically update member information.↳ Ensures accurate and up-to-date records.6. Test your Zapier workflow↳ Run a few tests to ensure everything works perfectly.↳ Testing helps catch any errors early.7. Train your team on the new workflow↳ Make sure everyone knows how the new system works.↳ Training ensures smooth adoption.8. Monitor the workflow regularly↳ Keep an eye on the automation to ensure it runs smoothly.↳ Regular monitoring helps maintain efficiency.9. Optimize as needed↳ Look for ways to improve the workflow.↳ Continuous improvement is key to staying efficient.10. Reduce manual work↳ Focus on strategic tasks while automation handles routine updates.↳ Let automation do the heavy lifting.11. Leverage cutting-edge technology↳ Stay updated with the latest tools and integrations.↳ Technology can greatly enhance your operations.12. Enjoy enhanced productivity↳ Watch as your workflow becomes more efficient.↳ Increased productivity leads to better results.By leveraging Zapier, we've orchestrated a seamless flow of information, reducing manual workload and enhancing productivity. This integration underscores our commitment to using cutting-edge technology to improve our operations.Try this workflow to see how automation can transform your processes!

    • Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (41)



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  • Johnathon Daigle

    I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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    I saved 40+ hours a month with this one SmartSuite / Make automation.Walking in the park and having a genius idea? Simply open Slack, leave a voice note, and let this automation transform it into usable content! 1. Slack - Watch Private Channel MessagesThe workflow starts by monitoring a specific private Slack channel named "speak-to-social" for new messages. This step acts as a trigger, starting the workflow whenever a new message is detected in the channel.2. Slack - Download a FileWhen a new message with a voice recording is detected, the workflow downloads the file from Slack. This ensures that the voice recording is available for subsequent processing.3. OpenAI (Whisper) - Create a TranscriptionThe downloaded voice recording is sent to OpenAI's Whisper model for transcription. Whisper transcribes the audio content into text, making it ready for further processing.4. OpenAI (ChatGPT) - Create a CompletionThe transcribed text is then processed by OpenAI’s ChatGPT to generate a completion. ChatGPT can be configured for various tasks, such as extracting key details, summarizing, or formatting the content according to predefined guidelines.5. SmartSuite - Create a RecordThe output from ChatGPT is sent to SmartSuite to create a new record. This step ensures that the processed information is stored in a structured format in SmartSuite, making it easily accessible and manageable.6. Router ( Make )The workflow includes a router to branch into multiple paths based on specific conditions or criteria. This allows for different types of processing or categorization depending on the content of the initial transcription.7. Branching PathsEach branch further processes the content with OpenAI’s ChatGPT for specific tasks. For example: • Summarizing the content into five main points, each 15 words or less. • Creating a concise LinkedIn post from the transcript. • Summarizing the transcript into a script that can be read aloud in less than 18 seconds.The processed content is then sent to SmartSuite to create respective records.Automation boosts efficiency. It reduces friction and saves time.Together with smart tools, it drives:• Productivity• Precision• Speed• Consistency• Flexibility• Innovation• Optimization• Simplicity• Accuracy• ImprovementEach step is crucial.When executed well, they enhance workflow efficiency and unlock your full potential.Save this blueprint. Get to know these steps.Stay efficient to stay ahead!

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  • Johnathon Daigle

    I Help Businesses Thrive with Data-Driven Product Strategies | Senior Product Manager | Product Development Specialist | Chief Product Officer | LinkedIn Top Product Management Voice

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    Automation transforms business workflows.Yet many companies still rely on manual processes.It's time to explore a powerful automation tool:1. Slack Integration:• Send articles to Slack for seamless sharing.• Use Slack for team collaboration and updates.2. Perplexity Research:• Automatically research and summarize articles.• Gain key insights and save valuable time.3. SmartSuite Prioritization:• Convert research into actionable priorities.• Organize tasks and streamline project management.4. OpenAI Content Creation:• Generate LinkedIn posts from research summaries.• Build a content library effortlessly.5. Enhanced Efficiency:• Automate repetitive tasks for increased productivity.• Focus on strategic initiatives and innovation.For businesses, automation is a game-changer.Here's how to implement it:☑ Identify Key Workflows:Pinpoint processes that can benefit from automation.☑ Choose the Right Tools:Select platforms like Slack, Perplexity, and SmartSuite.☑ Integrate Systems:Ensure seamless communication between tools.☑ Monitor and Optimize:Continuously refine and improve automated workflows.☑ Train Your Team:Educate employees on using automation tools effectively.The future of business is automated.Embrace technology to scale and succeed.If you want to learn how to create these types of automation for businesses, DM me.



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Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (54)


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Johnathon Daigle on LinkedIn: aiCarousels PDF (16) | 27 comments (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.